Chapter 3: Meeting Mokuba

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"Leave me alone or you're be in big trouble with my big brother! I'll tell him about this and you'll be sorry!" We heard the kid in the park yell at 3 other guys twice his size.

"Oh yeah?" The leader of the three jerks asked.

"Yeah my big brother will destroy you guys!"

"Then we'll just make sure that you can't tell him!" The same guy said cracking his knuckles and laughing.

"We gotta do something." Nico said by the time I was already walking towards the kid to defend him against those jerks.

"Hey leave the kid alone!" I yelled stepping between the kid and the other guys.

They all just laughed and the leader took a step closer and grabbed my wrist.

"Oh what little lady?"

I smiled then kicked him in his gut, he let go of me and bent over in pain trying to catch his breath. While he was bent over I kicked his chest again and he fell back onto the ground.

"Don't call me little lady." I said placing my foot hard on his chest.

"Get her!" He yelled out of breath at his two goons.

One went to take a swing at me, when Nico grabbed his arm and elbowed him before kicking him into the other guy.

"Leave my little sister alone!...Now it's best that you guys leave before we start breaking bones!" Nico said pulling me off the guy.

"You guys are freaks!" The yelled getting up off the ground.

"And we beat you what does that make you?" I said laughing.

"Listen here you little..." The guy started but Nico pushed him back.

"NO YOU LISTEN! Leave this kid and my little sister alone or it'll be your funeral! Now leave!" He yelled at them.

They groaned but turned and left. We waited until we couldn't see them anymore before turning to the kid who was still standing with a shocked expression.

The kid had long black hair, blue grayish eyes, stripped sleeves an orange shirt and blue bandana around his neck.

"You ok kid?" I asked him.

"I'm not a kid!" He snapped.

"Sorry, you ok though?" I asked again.

"Yeah, thanks. Sorry for yelling, those guys will be sorry to once I tell my big brother on them." He said smiling.

"Yeah big brothers take care of their younger siblings." Nico said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"My names Mokuba!"

"Nice to meet you Mokuba. I'm Kaylena or just Kay. This is my older brother Nico." I said to him shaking his hand and Nico did the same.

"Thanks again for helping me."

"Anytime. We don't like creeps like that who pick on others that are smaller than them." I answered.

"Hey Mokuba do you know a good place to eat at around here?" Nico asked him.

"Yeah Yamato's down the street." He answered pointing to our left.

"Thanks and try not to get into anymore trouble with guys like that." Nico said letting go of me.

"I won't!" He said excitedly

"Alright Mokuba, but if you need help then let us know." I told him.

"I will thanks!" He yelled running off.

We then left and headed towards the place Mokuba told us. After we ate we got some ice cream and headed back into the streets. We walked around until we noticed the sun start to set so then we headed back home to unpack some more. As we unpacked I started dreading the morning and how horrible it will be when I get to school.

The Past Repeats But The Future Changes! (A Seto Kaiba Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin