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Hey, I am y/n, y/n l/n. I have the powers to manipulate both minds and body. But there's a limit to my powers, it depends on what I use it on. My mind works differently from other normal human. " Human " why did I say that? I have a chip behind my neck, it restores my memories. And that's all I know about the chip. And I am here to know the answer to that. I joined the Apex Legends, to find the answer I need alone is to know where I am from, why did I have the chip and if I am human.

The drop ship made a soft land onto the platform and closed it's own wings. Inside the ship was nothing but seats and weapon racks, it was cold but your body was too warm from the nervousness. You clenched your fists and rethink about the decision you made to join the Apex Legends, ' did I make the right decision? Should I leave? It's too late. Never mind, it's my choice.'

" The exit is about to open, please step aside." The AI announced.

You stepped back three step as you sucked in the anxiety and stood still. As the red light went green, the exit finally opened as the wind gushed into the ship. I closed my eyes and blocked the lighting that would more likely to pierce my eyes. i held onto the metal handle above the exit gate and ducked down to get off the ship. And there stand the team of Apex Legends, they all said hi and introduced themselves. 

" Welcome fighter, there's still some people inside the tower. you'll meet the rest there." Valkyrie put her hand onto your shoulder as you nodded and smiled. Mirage pulled you to him with his all mighty ego as he puts one of his arm on your shoulder, " Hey there! I'm mirage the ya know haha the handsome here" he winked. You gave him a weird look and heard the laugh as you enter the living room/ lobby. " That's the reaction i like to see" The male with the white and green jacket appeared with his hands in his pockets. " He's Crypto." Valkyrie spoke. " Hi, I'm vision." you quickly introduced yourself. He simply nodded and went back to his room. Valkyrie and Mirage led you to the couch and talked for a few, then two people came in the the living room. " Hey!!! what's upp!!! you must be the new Chica!" the cheerful one greeted. " I am Octane! I'm very fast as you can see my robotic legs right here!" you smiled from the energy that he gave you and simply introduced you self once again. " Get a'hold of yuh self will ya? *sighs* sorry, my name is Ajay Che! Lifeline come'n your way!" she made the gun hand thing and laughed. They joined the conversation as well as Rampart, Gibraltar and Fuse. 

" Where's everyone else?" Rampart asked. " Some of them are training, especially Wraith." a deep female voice echoed through the hall ways as she walked to the living room in her athletic tire drinking the water from the bottle that she had on her hand but stopped when she saw a new member sitting with the group. " oh, a new legend huh? I'm Bangalore." she came over to shake your hand and gave it a strong grip, at least that what you thought. " Need any knowledge on guns and artillery? just go ask Bangalore." Gibraltar laughed as he did a thumbs up. " who's Wraith?" you asked. " ahh, her. She's quite a loner really but she's more focused on.. hell, everything." Mirage answered. " she's not a loner! she got me! and him! right? Dr.Caustic?" A sweet French accent came by with a hand full of science materials. Followed with a built like man with a gas mask on, it's pretty confusing to why a person would wear a gas mask indoors but you shook it off. As you were about to offer a help with the things that she was carrying, one of the materials fell off of her grip as she panicked. you quickly used you powers as you manipulated the gravity and moved the object onto you hand. Everyone was shocked, as well as someone entered the living room with claps of accessories ringing. " Impressive, this young lady here is quite... interesting. What's you name, beautiful?" Flirty, okay. " I'm Vision. Nice to meet you" you fiddled with the object on your hand. " I'm Loba, and i gotta say. Your fashion senses are pretty good, talk to you later Beautiful" she exited the living room and threw her bracelet to god knows where. " don't worry, she talks that way" Wattson reassured. " Oh! and thank you for the help on the tool! my papa won't forgive me for that hehe, oh by the way I'm Wattson!" she thanked you quickly as some of the Legends went back to what they were doing. " may i help you with anything?" you asked " No, we're fin-" " Bien sur! ( sure in French )"  Caustic just coughed as walked ahead to the lab.  

you spent a few hours with the team and Wattson as well as Caustic with the experiment that they were doing and went to you room. You rethink of what happened to and smiled to yourself, you've met so many Legends today. You got to admit, you've always wanted to join the Apex Legends. You've watched your adopted father in games and rewards he would always bring back, but why does he always work so hard for? what was he searching for? maybe the same thing that you are on right now? so many questions. Time goes by as it soon late at night and the air was still and chill. you head out from your room with a simple black tank top and shorts that had Apex logo on it. it took sometime to find the kitchen but you found it anyways. You opened a few cabinets to find the cup and went to the fridge, but you didn't know who was watching you from the door frame. " The milk is on the lower layer of the fridge." A cold cool voice rang behind you as you jumped. " sorry to scare you there" she chuckled. " and you are?" you panted slightly from the scare that you just encountered. She pushed herself of the door frame and walked to you with a hand " My name is Wraith, greetings." she smirked as i shook her hand as a greeting. And not going to lie, she has a stronger grip than the rest of the team. She must've been the strongest one here, from the looks of her knuckles. You can see the small cuts and bruises here and there, but Wraith was quick to pull it away as her  voice told her that you noticed the scars on her hand. " oh uh, I'm Vision. " you scratched you neck. " But, how did you know that i wanted milk?" " I have this thing or... voice in my head that guides me  and warns me from time to time. It's like having someone with you but from, another dimension. " she made the explanation quick as she was not willing to open that much to a person who she just met. " That's understandable, so... what are you doing up this late?" you wanted to start a conversation since you didn't really want to sleep, you liked her company even though you both just met and also the quiet environment that was surrounding you, making you feel calm and safe... with her. 

As she talks, you took the time to admire her. Her dark black hair that fell off her shoulders when she tilts her head, her brows that enhanced her features. Her long eye lashes and eyes that were deep enough to feel that mysterious side of hers. the nose piercing that flickers the light from the moon from time to time when she moves, the lips she has just fit her person perfectly. she's just so unreal, she's so beautiful. you guys talked more through the night and went separate ways to your rooms to call it a night. But you still stayed up and thought about her once again, you heart was yearning for her voice again and again. You couldn't forget how she always focus on you while you both talked, her eyes is what made you crazy...but at the same time, you somehow saw some story along the small eyebags that she had. What have she gone through? What did she do? Too driven into your own thoughts, your eyes grew heavy as you swift into the land of dreams.

Apex legends wraith X Female reader ff // My Trigger//Where stories live. Discover now