⭐️Chapter 34: Arm Wrestle💧

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(Thank you so much Eyez._.blue on instagram for the art :D


Y/n watched as some of the spiders left, after thinking Uvogin died, they were going out to find out who was the chain user, along with talking about the auction.

Y/n sat with Hisoka as he played cards with the small girl and her fox plush.

"No far!" Y/n huffed, some of the spiders looked over towards the siblings as Y/n placed her cards down. "You're cheating Onii-chan."

Hisoka smiled and turned his cards to face his sibling. "I'm not cheating my sweet little fox, see." Y/n huffed as Hisoka picked the cards up to shuffle them again.

Y/n heard footsteps and looked in the direction to see 2 people who she didn't expect to see.

Gon and Killua stood there with Pakunoda and Machi.

Killua noticed them first, Hisoka looked away, they were playing dumb and pretended to not know them, Killua did the same.

But their plan was messed up by Gon and Y/n.

Y/n looked at Gon and Killua, she waved towards them. "Onii-" She was quickly cut off by Hisoka.

"Y/n look." Y/n noticed Foxy falling down the rubble pile they were sitting on, panicking, Y/n got up and went after Foxy. Hisoka had pushed foxy down, he could feel the anger emitting from the plushie.

"Its the girl." Killua pointed out to Shizuku, they talked about how Gon had beaten Shizuku in an arm wrestling fight, but she didn't remember

Nobunaga challenged Gon to a arm wrestling battle


The spiders stood around a rock that Gon and Nobunaga were using as a table for the arm wrestling.

Y/n was standing on one of the sides of the table. Watching as Nobunaga was winning.

"Nobu-oniisan wins." Y/n pouted at seeing Gon loosing all the time. Nobunaga noticed Y/n seemed down about him winning, he placed his hand on her head, and headpatted her.

"Aren't you happy about me winning."

"I am, I just feel bad for Onii-chan because his hand is hurting" Most of the people didn't pick up Y/n calling Gon 'Onii-chan' instead of 'Oniisan' except for Hisoka, Killua, Gon and Feitan.

Feitan didn't say anything, he questioned if Y/n knew who this person was, before Gon was brought to the base.

"Hey... What is my rank in arm wrestling" Nobunaga asked the spiders as he was arm wrestling Gon.

"Seventh or Eighth."

"You're not Weak but you're not strong either" Machi added on to Franklin.

"And the strongest is this guy named Uvogin. Apparently this chain user killed him."

"Uvo-Oniisan was killed?" Y/n looked towards Feitan, who normally was the one who told her what was going on, he didn't say anything.

"We already said we don't know who that is!" Killua told Nobunaga. Nobunaga slammed Gon's hand onto the table, Y/n winced at seeing Gon's expression of pain, She wanted to help Gon, but she also didn't want to make the spiders upset, she was stuck with who to help. She took out her spider coin, she was going to flip it.

"Kid. If you speak again without permission, I'll Kill you." Y/n froze, she wanted to tell him not to, but Hisoka's glance towards her, told her to not say anything. As much as she wanted to say it, she kept quiet, due to Hisoka's Bungee Gum covered her mouth to stop her from saying anything.

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