'How to be a player.'

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I thought I was doing a pretty decent job of ignoring the current bane of my existence. That was until tiny paper balls started flying at my head.

I turned slowly towards Brent with an obvious display of annoyance across my face, hoping to put him in his place. "can you-" my soon-to-be-rant was cut short when another tiny piece of paper whacked me right in between my eyes. I had been sitting peacefully for the past ten minutes trying to ignore the guy next to me, and I had been doing just fine until he'd obviously gotten bored and wanted to toy with me. No words came out of my mouth, just a small gasp and an unattractive scoff. "you are-" and another one, on the nose this time. I opened my eyes to a very smug looking Brent, who had his chin rested in one hand and a smirk on his mouth. he slowly raised one eyebrow and gave me a 'whatcha gonna do?' sort of look. he was trying to rile me up, but by god was it working.

"If you do not stop that right now I will proceed to shove that piece of paper down your-"
"Lacey! quiet please." Mr Mason stated with a sharp look and a frown. He quickly turned back to the board and carried on talking. I mumbled an apology before slumping down in my seat in defeat.
"Feisty, just how I like them." Brent whispered, leaning close to me and shuffling his chair closer to my side of the desk. I shuffled mine back, even further than he'd moved his, hoping to revive my personal bubble. "I don't want to know how many girls you've used that line on, or how many 'how to be a player' books you've read to get it, but what I do want to know is why my personal space seems to be getting smaller and smaller by the second." I whispered harshly, before huffing out an annoyed breath.
"Hmmm, strange. That one seems to work usually. But the last 'How to be a player' book i read did advise to add a wink in for good measure, maybe thats it." He said with a fake quizzical look on his face. Despite the situation I laughed under my breath, and a deep chuckle sounded next to me.
"Well you're obviously not picking up on the tips, I'd say a puke bucket would better assist that pick up line." I said under my breath with my eyes forward, trying as hard as i could to concentrate on what the teacher was droning out, but I was failing. Miserably.
"Why? so their boyfriends can collect their tears in it once they've realised all their girlfriends are clawing to get to me?" We where both facing forward now, feigning interest in the periodic table badly drawn on the white board. I could see a large smile spread across his face out of the corner of my eye.
"I think they'd be more likely to use the bucket to hit you around the head. And I'd be lying if i said I wouldn't be joining in."
"Joining in on what? the beating me mercilessly like the mean person I seriously doubt you are and damaging my beautiful face-" he turned and gave me a wounded puppy look that belonged on the cover of a magazine. "Or joining in on the clawing to get to my body like a cat in heat? Because I know which one I'd prefer." he turned back to the board looking smug.
"Oh, I'd definitely be clawing at you, but not in the way i think you've based your weird fantasies on." I stated in a whisper, my eyes never leaving the front.
"Well, if you really want me to go into detail on my fantasies, all you had to do was ask love." I pretended like the way he called me 'love' in his accent didn't effect me, but by the smirk that was suddenly slapped onto his face when I shivered slightly in my seat made it obvious my acting skills weren't as professional as I'd hoped they'd be. "Whats wrong love?" he whispered with a smile. That bastard. "Am I making you uncomfortable? Or are you just getting turned on?" His deep chuckle snapped me into reality.

"Not at all really, I was just concerned you'd go into detail of your fantasies and I was worried I'd have to use that sick bucket from earlier." I was quite proud of my quick recovery and snappy remark, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying our contagious banter.
"What, you mean for something else than beating me to death? why Lacey, I'm honoured." He clutched one large masculine hand to his heart and whipped away a fake tear. I rolled my eyes and nudged him in the ribs before we got into trouble. "If you wanted to touch me love, all you had to do was ask." He added, his gaze still locked firmly on the board.
"I have to say Mr Alexander, Im quite disappointed with that one. you really need to update those 'How to be a player' books if you want to get to my level."
"Who needs a book when I've got all the confirmation that you are interested right here." he turned to look at me.
"ugh, please-"
"Your flushed cheeks." he cut me off. "your small smiles whenever my comeback equally matches yours. Your body language, those lips you keep on licking whenever i call you 'love'." He leant towards me and my breathing quickened. He effected me in ways i was too proud to admit. "The way you keep crossing and uncrossing your legs. The way you keep fiddling with your pony tail." He was so close now I could smell his earthy masculine scent. The sort of smell that sent girlfriends into hoodie stealing rampages. "Who needs a book when I've got everything I need to know," He reached out and brushed a stray curl off of my neck. "-right here." he breathed against my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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