The Love story of Jetflame & morningsun

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Morningsun was in the meadow grazing, and nobody was with her. But Jetflame came flying in the sky. She looked up, "Hi jet!" she cantered up into the sky. "Hey morningsun!It's time for training! We have the same thing today: Flying drills! But if you can handle it?" he said teasingly. "Yes I can!" she huffed "We'll see 'about that' ' he rolled his eyes then flew to the training field near feather lake, and morningsun followed. "Jetflame morningsun your late!" yelled there captain featherfire "Sorry" morningsun nickered "We lost track of time" Apologized jetflame "And morning was a slow flyer" he looked at morningsun. She glared back and kicked him in the leg. "Ouch" whispered jetflame He bit back his scream but acted cool "You kick like a filly" laughed jet "Then what are you because fillys can kick better that a colt". "Stop this and get to your positions and this time in the front!" commanded featherfire. He knew that everybody hated being in the front because that's when the captains call you out and make the weakest cry. The next day Morningsun went to training but jetflame wasn't there. Then she did a silent cheer and went to her place in the back. "Dismissed!" shouted Featherfire then Morningsun and the rest of the steeds in the training responded: "yes captain!". She and the rest of the steeds broke off and did what they did for the rest of the day. She went to graze and fell asleep. The next morning she started to miss jetflame. And she saw featherfire in the distance. "Featherfire!" she called "yes morningsun make this snappy" "Where's Jetflame?" She asked "He has one missing... now its time for training" he commanded then she took her place in the back. When practice was done she went searching for jetflame and she found him in a bush. "What are you doing here?" she wondered. "I'm sorry about teasing you..." he apologised "it's dine but you need to get back to training" she said "then lets go" then he cantered back to training. She followed. Jetflame stopped "morningsun?""Yes, what is it jet?" she smiled "I'm in love with you!" he blurted out. "Me to..." she cried "Will you be my mate?" he smiled "yes but you're like ten years older than me." she tilted her head "age is just a number but love is real" "I guess you're right and i do love you so YES i'll be your mate"! Six years later morningsun is a battle mare and jetflame is now jetfire. They have a filly named Darkwater and a colt named Nightstorm.

(these characters are from 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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