Chapter 6 Liam's POV

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One month later

"Babe I need to talk to you" Amy says and I sigh. What now?
"OK.. What isit" I ask her thinking of alsorts running around in my head.
Is she breaking this up? Is she pregnant? Fuck please don't be pregnant..
"I..I'm pregnant Liam" she says and starts to cry. FUCK!
"Are you sure? Like sure sure?" I ask her starting to panic a little. My hearts beating so fast I don't know how to control this situation. She's pregnant.. She's fucking have my baby? Is it mine? How do I ask her that?
"Are you sure.. Erm.. Its mine Amy?" I ask her awkwardly and she looks at me shocked. What?
"Or course it is Liam. What the fuck do you take me for" she yells at me crying more.
"I can't do this right now" I tell her standing
"FUCK!" I yell beginning to pace. I can't be a dad. I'll ruin the child's life like I have my own. I'm so sorry mum. I tell her hoping she's her with me.
"It's OK baby, I'm here. Talk to me its gonna be OK" Amy says and I feel my blood boil.
"Don't ever fucking say that again. You hear me" I yell at her and she steps back. Shit..
"Liam your scaring me" she says and I swear I'm gonna explode.
"Stop talking.. Your not her. I need to go" I say calmly and sigh. I don't even look at her I just walk out slamming the door behind me.
"Fuck, this can't be happening" I say to myself shaking my head as I walk to my car. I feel my beast clawing at the surface. He just wants to come through and tear through everything and everyone.. I need my queen. Now more than ever. What the fuck? I climb into my car heavily breathing my thoughts spiraling. Hows Stacey gonna feel about this. This wasn't part of my fucking plan! She's not my baby nor will she ever be her. She can't have my baby.. Fuck!

I end up outside the bakery and just sit there watching nothing but I see the lights on above indicating that someone's home. I wonder if Victor's there. I'd love to punch his fucking face in. Fuck! My queen, where is she? I'm trying and failing to stay calm. I look and see a guy out the corner of my eye and I think decent size. He looks like he could handle himself. I need to punch something. I start to rock getting more fucking angry thinking about the baby and Amy acting like my queen. I climb out the car struggling to hold myself back and I fight the urge to go to him then I see something up high and I look up to see her. My queen standing in the window. I stop dead feeling a sense of calm just seeing her beautiful face. I wish you to see me and come out baby. I say to myself and sigh. Why did I do this to us? We could of been together now, happy and perfect but I ruined it like I ruin everything. And now I'm miserable and alone. I'm sorry I made you feel like this. Karmas a bitch. I deserve to feel what I feel for putting you through this and soo so much more.
I stand there apologising for everything and feel my emotions get the best of me. After everything I'm the one standing out in the cold fucking crying..
My heart bleeds for her, I'll take her back in a heart beat. Her baby is apart of my queen so I'll love her like she's mine.
She's mine and always will be. Victor will not win. I'll always wait for her. No matter how long it takes. I will move on and love even.. Until you find your way back to me. I watch her look around and she looks towards me confused for a moment. Then I freeze when our eyes lock I watch as she leans into the window and I start to panic, my heart begins to pound. I want her to see its me and come out but I also want to run away and leave her to be happy. Like normal I fucking run away and hurt myself in the process. All because I can't be selfish. With her. I watch her open the window and realize that it's me before turning to run out I assume I jump in my car and start it up, gripping my steering wheel, revving my engine I speed off before I do something I'll regret.. For her..

I drive and drive until I come to a dead end. Fuck. I shake my head and turn on my lights now it's getting dark outside as I look around. Where the fuck am I?
I remember being at Amy's and her telling me she's pregnant.. Fuck! She's fucking pregnant! I don't remember what happened after that.. How the fuck did I end up here? Why does this keep happening to me? I climb out my car and look around seeing nothing remotely familiar and sigh.

I need Jason. He can fix this. I get back into my car relaxing back and bill myself a spliff. I need one after the day I've had.
I need fresh air and this spliff.
Turning the radio on and I hear a song that remind me of my queen. She's everywhere. How can I move on if she's all I think about. Even tho I smile every time I think of her. I really hope she is happy and I'm not out here desperate and depressed for her. I might aswell be back in prison. With that last depressing thought I sigh, flick my spliff and call Jason. I need his help. He has to fix this for me that's what he does.

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