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                         FINALLY A LONG CHAPTER! IT MAKES UP FOR NOT POSTING IN....... A LONG TIME! ENJOY... ~ Brookly

                   CHAPTER 8

                         " How do we stop them?"

                         " I.... I just don't know" Shadow replied.

                         " We have to make the whole world know... then people won't fall for their little mind tricks, and maybe Shadows will understand their true purpose!" I said ALMOST smiling.

                          " WAY easier said than done,"  Shadow said blandly.

                         " Not exactly! Convince enough people and it we take it straight to the press!" at that point I was very excitied.

                          " Hmm... I suppose but we need practice first.." Shadow sounded more conviced.

                          " Well we just go to that out door mall place.. The uh.. I forgot what its called... but it's less than 3 miles away! My aunt good drive me and we could practice on the most sane people we find!"

                          " You really think your Aunt will let you go by yourself?"

                          " No! I have an idea," I said smiling.

                        I dialed Kara.. Ashley's twin sister.  We were best friends until she texted me one night " Your replacing me with my own twin.. delete my number and never call me again" accept I wasn't replacing her but we have never talked again.

                      " Kara listen I-"

                      " WHAT HAPPENED TO ASHLEY?" she immediatly shouted.

                     " It's a really long story.. Meet me at the mall in an hour and we can talk, then you will have to go into some store and wait because I have some business to take care of alone"

                    " Fine! But only for Ash..." She made it obvious she still hated me.

                  I sat on a bench, Kara was late. The summer breeze blew my hair completely red in the sun all around. It was the first time I had been in public after the incident... I'm sure it was one the news, or their was some other reason people were very clearly avoided eye contact.

                I almost screamed in suprise when Kara sat down on the bench next to me.

               " You gave me a heart attack."

               " Oops," Kara said flatly. I couldn't help but glance over at her naturally super curly light brown hair.. I missed making fun of it and calling her a lion jokingly.

                Kara remained silent through my whole explaination and how her sister was possesed by double form of her and she wasn't coming back.

               " I would say I don't beleive you... but I do... I have voices too.." she admitted sadly.

               " We all do... don't listen to it... it will soon find it purpose."

              She sighed.. " Well I'm going to Aero.... You do whatever ' business ' you have"

               A heard a whisper in my ear " She looks sane... let's try her"

               " I can't see who your pointing too," I whispered quietly hoping no one heard me talk to myself.

              I walked up to a lady who looked normal and asked if I could talk to her. She looked about 30.

              " Um.. Sure......?"

               " Ok so.. do you hear voices in side your head...." I carried on for a bit then she told me I was being ridicoulous and she walked away. I ran after her and said I coulds prove it and I did. I made her shadow speak.

              " S-S-t-o-o-p messing with my head!" she started speed walking. She wasn't acting sane anymore..  " Listen... I have a lot of things going on and I.. I just don't have time for anymore complications."

             I left her alone, but then her Shadow spoke again.. atleast that's what I guessed because she came running back toward me and grabbed my wrist.

            " How are you doing this?" She asked not so calmly.

             " Let me go!"

            " HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS?" She started dragging me towards the parking lot.

            " CALL 9-1-1!" I screamed.

            She forced my arms behind me and shoved me forward. I saw people whip out their phones to call the cops. But I wasn't totally help less.

             I kicked her as hard as I could and then second she loosened her grip I whipped around and send a hard blow to her head! I screamed as she shoved me in her car full force.. I could taste blood in my mouth... The car sped away before I regianed my vision...

            " What the hell are you doing to my head?" she demanded, her voice full of anger, stress, depression, and anxiety.

            " What the heck do you want from me? It's your Shadow! OK listen Shadow I don't know how much you have figured out.. What my term for you is a shadow ... You are supposed to WATCH OVER her and if she's bad at heart.. take over her," I didn't half to try to remain calm because I wasn't afraid.... she had bad intention bad enough I was certain Shadow could take over. Any moment now.... suddenly the car stopped.

           " You get out., and run to the nearest police station, I think there is one less than a mile north..try to pass if off as something other than a crime so I can live this live for her out of jail,"

           I nodded.... this whole mission was going to be way harder than I thought...

K so maybe not suupper long but pretty good for me!

To kara my best friend before she sends me an angry kik message..

 congrats I used you in the story.. however the personality of the kara in this story IS NOT RELATED TO YOU! also its not based of our friendship obviously either! SO NO OFFENSE! its your name and appearance thatss it! and u dont look like a lion but you think you hair does lolz so dont kill meh k bye~ Brookly { there were like 50 rick and tools in their lol}

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