Chapter 7

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"I have to go mum" I say to her down the phone annoyed now.
I have an appointment at Angel's new place that I've had for awhile now and Victor wanted to see Mya so being the nice lovely Stacey I am I said yes. Then he let's me down on the day. 'something came up' apparently and his daughter is never a fucking priority.
"I'm sorry hun, I can take her after if you like I'll be back by then" she says and I sigh.
"No mum it's fine, I'll just take her and hope they don't mind. She's good anyways. I'll see you later" I say putting my coat on and walking around grabbing everything I need for Mya.
"Alright bye sweetheart" she says and I think of Steve. I miss him and I have no idea where he went but he's vanished.
I take Mya out of her chair and take her into my room to put on her coat and shoes.
"Dont worry baby, mummys got you" I coo to her and she smiles. So cute.

Climbing out my car I take out her pushchair and set the frame up then take her out the car seat putting her into the carrycot to sleep better. Locking up my car I take a deep breath and walk into the salon.
A girl comes walking up to me smiling..
"Oh my god she's adorable and so small" she says looking into the pushchair then back at me. I smile at her thankful she didnt kick us out.
"Yeah she looks like her dad" I say rolling my eyes. I hope she grows out of that.
"Seline's ready for you hun" she tells me and I put the breaks on and walk off to this Seline. I hope Mya stays asleep being left with them. I hope she doesn't mind.. She didn't say anything..
"What colours babe?" Seline asks me and I smile
"Black matt please" I tell her thinking of Liam and how I loved him in black too.
"Great let's get started then" she says and I nod giving her a smile holding out my hands.

"That's done for you hun, was there anything else?" She asks me smiling
"My eyebrows please hun and my hair needs washing and cutting. They're getting wild" I tell her chuckling and she waves of my criticism.
"Let's do it" I tell her and she leads me over to the bed where I lay down and close my eyes.

"All done hun" she tells me and I sit up glad to be out of that mild pain.
"Thanks babe, I love them both" I tell her looking in the mirror she hands me.
"Your more than welcome babe" she says and leaves me to admire myself. I seriously like my nails.
Putting the mirror down and walk out to Seline.
Making my way over to the wash basin I lay back with my eyes closed and let her massage my scalp as she washes my hair then conditions it. A towel gets put over my hair and I'm escorted to a seat infront of a mirror.
"Can you just take off my ends and shape up my bangs again please" I tell her and she nods smiling at me.
"Of course, let's do it" she says and I smile at her through the mirror.

"How's that?" she asks me and I nod happy with it. I close my eyes while she blow drys my hair straight and runs the straightening irons over it after. She shows me again and I love freshly cut hair.
"Thanks you so much. For them all" I beam giddyily at her and she chuckles.
"Your more than welcome hun. Well your done now" she says and I get up grabbing my purse and make my way to my baby girl. She's gonna wake up for her feed soon.

"Thanks Angelica I feel so much better now. Being a single mums hard work" I flip my hair over my shoulder rolling my eyes.
"You look incredible, show the baby dad what he's missing" she says chuckling then smiles. Imagine if I seen Liam now! My King. Getting hot just thinking about it.
"You know what, I will babes thanks for watching her" I nod towards the pushchair.
"It's OK, she's asleep still, such a good baby clearly" she says and I nod.

After putting Mya into the car and the pushchair in the boot I make my way back home feeling refreshed and happy about myself. I arrive back and take Mya out the car in her car seat and make my way to the elevator.
Stepping inside I press the button I need and wait..
The doors open and I see Victor standing there. Eugh great..
"What are you doing here Victor? You was suppose to come this morning not now" I tell him and he looks me over licking his lips.. Eww no.. Been there, done that. No thanks.
"You look so sexy baby girl, I come to see you" he tells me licking his lips again and I nearly gag. He hasn't even looked at Mya once.. His fucking daughter.
"What about Mya?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I came here for you not the kid" he says and my blood boils. I slap him across the face and push past him..
"What the fuck was that for? Let's go inside and sort this" he says annoyed but I sigh.
"You know you don't come in here Victor. I have nothing to say to you anymore. If you want to see Mya then call me otherwise don't" I tell him pushing open the door and shutting it behind me. I can't be dealing with this crap. I need to stay positive for my baby. And there's no way is some one like Victor gonna burst my bubble. My days gonna be a good one.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now