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She sits in her usual spot before biology class begins. The same snug corner. The dark snug corner, where she can think, plan, even daydream.
She plans revenge to the girls who made fun of her, talked about her, hurt her. She doesn't quite know what to do yet, but she knows why it will happen.
She smiles evilly to herself. She can't wait until that day, the day of a full moon, the day her family leaves her for a trip, the day when she'll be all alone on Friday, the 13th.
"Okay class! Quiet down!" Mrs. Rose said, waddling in the classroom.
"Miss. Holmwood, please back in you're seat." The short fat lady said, snapping Jade out of her sick thoughts. The red head girl, Daphne laughed, "Freak." she muttered under her breath. Jade took a deep breath and clenched her fists together.
She sits in the back, while everyone else whispers to their partners, she can't help but feel they whisper about her.
She rubs her skinny legs that are covered with her black jeans. She rocks back and forth, thinking of the better things she could be doing right now.
Jade picks up her black pen and scribbles madly on the black piece of paper sitting in front of her.
She thinks to herself; so what if I'm a freak?! So what if I'm insane?! I'm human just like everyone else.
A boy walks in, Jade's best friend, Jade's only friend.
"Mr. Reeds, you're late again, whys that?" Mrs. Rose asked, already frustrated with the class.
The black haired boy ignored her, and sat down next to Jade.
"What happened Zach?" Jade asked, Zach looks down at his bruised knuckles, and removed the long straight black hair to revel his beautiful brown eyes, although, one eye is purple and swollen. Tears slowly rolled down his face, he bit his chapped lips, preventing himself from sobbing, and making a scene during class.
"I tried, Jade, I tried to fight back, but, they were too strong." He whispered. Jade shook her head, those stupid jock boys she thought.
"They can't enough now can they?" She spoke, holding Zach's hand, trying to comfort him.
"I can't take this anymore, Jade, it's just too much." Zach whimpered. Jade's mouth twisted, "That day Zach, we will get them that day, all of them." Jade said, Zach smiled weakly. "And they'll regret it, they'll regret hurting me." He said. Jade smirked, "Exactly."
Mrs. Rose handed each table a microscope slide. Jade studies the one she received, it's just a little red dot on the glass square. She slides the slide under the microscope and looks into it.
She squints a little. Little red worm looking things squirm around, she doesn't know if that's really happening, or if her mind is playing tricks on her. The worm crawls off the slide and slithers on to her hand. She screams and jumps out of her seat.
"Miss. Holmwood! What is you're problem?!" Mrs. Rose yelled. Jade looked at the microscope and the slide, there was no worm, it wasn't moving.
"Are you okay?" Zach asked, Jade looked around at her laughing classmates.
"What's wrong!?" The plump teacher asked. Jade remained silent, taking in all the humiliation her classmates were giving her.
She ran out of the classroom and into the girls bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror. She grabs her straight black hair as her brown eyes pour out tears.
"What's wrong with me?" She shouted at herself. She pounds her pale fists on the bathroom sink.
"Why am I so different?!" She shouted again.
She heard a knock on the door, "Jade, I can't come in, please come out." The deep voice said.
Jade walks out, Zach wraps his arms around Jade's small frame.
"Don't let it get to you, remember the day Jade, remember the day." Zach said.
"Thanks Zach, but it will always hurt me, they'll always make me bad about myself." Jade said. Zach sighed, and held her tightly.
"And that's why they'll regret it, regret everything they've done to us." Zach said. Jade chuckled a little, feeling excited about that day.

Hey hello sorry this chapter is short. This is like a scary story/one shot type thing. It's my first work. I hope y'all like it!!!! xxx

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