#8: One of his friends finds you self-harming pt. 2

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Trigger warning: eating disorder

You waited at the top of the stairs while Evan's friend went downstairs to talk to him. Because you were too scared to do it yourself, especially in front of everyone, the friend had taken him off into a private space where he was able to explain. The whole time, you were leaning against the wall, anxiety pulsing through your body. You knew that at any moment, Evan was going to come up the stairs and that's when everything would crumble. You were never quite a pro at confrontations. Listening to the conversations downstairs followed by the front door closing and silence, this was it. His footsteps made the floor creak as he got closer and looking down the long stiarcase, Evan's sad face appeared. The two of you looked at each other from the different levels. "C'mere (Y/N)..." He spoke softly, quietly, gently. You hesitated, scared that he was just masking his anger until you got down to the bottom of the stairs. "A-Are you mad..?" you stuttered, taking a step down. "No. No I'm not mad. Just please come here..." Slowly you walked down the stairs until you were on step higher than him. "I just wanna see..." Slowly, he lifted up your baggy shirt, just nough so he could see the damage that had been done already. Your ribs were protruding to the point of being extremely unhealthy. With a nod, he lowered the material back down and looked at you with big sad eyes. "I-I... I don't know what to say... I guess I don't understand why... You were healthy and beautiful before... I mean, you're still beautiful, but you're not healthy... I... I guess I didn't prove to you enough. But babe, this isn't the way to go if you want to lose weight... I should be taking you to a hospital." Your eyes widened at the word 'hospital'. "No... Evan please." He put his hands on your bony hips, rubbing soft circles. "If you don't want me to take you to the hospital, then we need to start getting you back up to regular eating habits. We'll start slow but... please? Eat something small tonight. And then we'll go straight to bed so it can't come up." Not waiting for your answer, he took your hand and led you into the kitchen, setting you on one of the bar stools, he got a small yogurt from the fridge. "If you can even only get half of this small thing down, I'll be happy." Evan handed you a spoon and stood across the island. As much as you didn't want to, you picked up the spoon and took a little on the end, slipping it into your mouth and letting it stay there for a little bit before swallowing. A small smile crept on your boyfriends face and you continued until the container was empty. "I was more hungry than I thought," you admitted, looking down at your fingers. "And you finished. That's wonderful. Now let's go to bed, and we'll have the same thing tomorrow. If you want to try something a bit bigger for lunch... well. we'll figure it out then." He smiled and put his arm around your waist, leading you up to bed for the night.

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