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HER VISION WAS BLACK, UNTIL it wasn't. Her entire body ached tremendously, having not been fully healed yet. A pained groan fell from her lips as she clenched her eyes before slowly opening them. The light made her shut them again before she managed to blink multiple times as she slowly allowed for her self to come to. The heart monitor beeping beside of her head was the first thing that made her realize she was in a hospital room.

When Natasha had heard that Olivia was missing, the panic that flared inside of her chest made her determined to find the girl. Olivia's words had been repeating over and over again, and the regret that filled her stomach at not telling Olivia how she felt seemed to overwhelmed her. So you could imagine Natasha's relief when a woman with dark chocolate hair was carrying a knocked out Olivia in her arms.

     When a groan fell from Olivia's lips, Natasha was quick to wake up from her sleeping position. Olivia took a moment, licking her dry lips as a sigh fell from her nose. She turned her head, frowning slightly when she saw Natasha sitting there. The redhead offered her a small smile. "Hey, you're awake."

     "What happened?" Olivia mumbled before panic started to fill her chest. "Where's Allison? My sister. Where is she?"

     "Calm down." Natasha held out a hand, moving to sit on the edge of Olivia's bed. "She's waiting for you in a cell room―︎I tried to convince her she didn't have to be in one but she disagreed and said she needed to make sure her mind was in the right place. You can see her after you're fully healed."

     "We win?" Olivia questioned.

     Natasha smiled and nodded her head. "We did." She swallowed thickly before grabbing Olivia's hand. She tried to hold the tears back that started to fill her eyes, causing Olivia to frown. Pursing her lips, Natasha looked down at their hands. "I thought I lost you. When they said you were still on the helicarrier when it crashed, I thought that I had actually lost you before I had the chance―︎"

     "Nat." Olivia shook her head.

     "Let me―︎please." Natasha whispered. Olivia looked at her before nodding her head. "They didn't find you for hours. You and Allison had fallen much farther from the building than Steve had. And even then you had hit the ground. So when I saw Allison carrying you, you limp in her arms, I thought you were dead. And all I could think about was the fact that I didn't tell you. I didn't tell you how I felt. I know I'm supposed to be this hardass assassin with no emotions, claiming that love is for children. But somehow meeting you, you managed to change my mind. Because if love is for children. . . well then, I guess I'm a child."

     Olivia had a small smile as she looked at her. "Nat, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

     "I have hopelessly, and quickly fallen in love with you Olivia Jade. I am in love with you, and it's something that I haven't figured out how to deal with yet. Because this. . . all of this is new to me."

     "If it makes you feel any better, it's new to me too." Olivia admitted with a small smile. "I never got the chance to experience love because I was never allowed out of my house to meet someone to fall in love with. And then here comes this Red Room Assassin that I refused to trust that saved my ass and made me fall in love with her. That's a crime if you ask me."

     Natasha met her dark eyes, shrugging her shoulders slightly. "Would it really be that bad?"

     "Bad? No." Olivia shook her head. "Dangerous? Absolutely."

     "Dangerous? Why?"

     "Because if you and I got together. . . we would be unstoppable. And powerful women absolutely terrify the world."

     "We've always been a dangerous duo." Natasha hummed. "But together, sweetheart, we would be absolutely lethal."

     "I guess it's a good thing I can heal then." Olivia smirked. Natasha chuckled at this before Olivia looked at the redhead and grabbed onto her, pulling her forward and connecting their lips. Something she had been wanting to do for so incredibly long.


After Natasha had left in order to go find herself a new cover since all of her others had been blown, Olivia made her way down the halls. A slight ache occasionally bounced through her body, seeing as she was still trying to fully heal. But it was bearable enough that she could walk. Her eyes nervously glanced around her before she found the cell in which Allison had placed her in. The girl was focused on her intertwined her hands, looking up only when the door opened.

     Allison looked up, meeting Olivia's eyes before sitting up straight. Olivia's eyes never left her sisters as she walked over to the other side of the table, sitting down across from her. The two siblings stared at one another for a few moments, before Olivia was the first one to speak. "Which Allison am I talking to?"

     "Allison Rosalynn Jade. Older sister to Olivia Grace Jade. Both of us were experimented by our father and is the reason that we can do the things that we do. I was taken from you when you were only six. That was the last time that we ever saw each other." Allison answered her. Immediately tears sprang to Olivia's eyes. Her jaw was clenched as she forced herself to hold back her tears.

     "You never came back." Olivia whispered. "That wasn't supposed to be the last time we saw each other because you were supposed to come back, you were supposed to save me before he did what he did to me. I waited for you. I waited for twelve years, Allison, until I finally managed to escape all on my own. And yet, I still didn't see you for another decade. I haven't seen you in almost twenty-two years, Allison."

     "I know." Allison whispered, nodding her head. Tears of her own started falling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked as she looked at her little sister. "I tried to come for you, but they wouldn't let me leave. They thought I was crazy, and that you had become my made up sister. I never once forgot about you, Livvy. Not until HYDRA got to me. Not until they wiped me of my life before. The life I forgot I had."

     Olivia's jaw was clenched as tears of her own started falling down her cheeks. Allison looked at Olivia, waiting for her to say something. Olivia finally met her eyes. "I missed you, Ali."

     "I missed you too." And before they knew it the two were quick to stand from their seats and pull each other into a tight hug with Olivia breaking down in her older sister's arms, and Allison giving her a kiss on the side of her head, smiling at the fact that she had finally been reunited with her sister after so long.

" And before they knew it the two were quick to stand from their seats and pull each other into a tight hug with Olivia breaking down in her older sister's arms, and Allison giving her a kiss on the side of her head, smiling at the fact that she h...

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𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖, 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑━︎━︎ N. Romanoff (𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑑) Where stories live. Discover now