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Rain poured from the darkened skies, there was an old shed in the distance. Two cats, a fiery orange tabby tom and a light brown tabby she-cat were hiding in fear of being found.

"We have to leave Haze, it's not safe here!" the tom whispered frantically.

"I know, but what do we do? They'll find us!" Haze whimpered.

A strike of lightning interrupted them, though it illuminated a path. They could possibly escape, Haze and the orange tabby tom looked at each other and nodded. This was something they had to do. They both unsheathed their claws and got into a position to run.

"On the count of three." Haze said.

"Alright, one, two, three!" The tom exclaimed.

Both cats began to run, but were not running alone. Three shadowy figures of cats chased after them, the scent of dread was abundant in the air. Startlingly, a bolt of lightning crashed down and caused a tree to burst into flames. The tom was ahead of Haze, and he jumped over the fallen tree before it caught ablaze.

"Vulcan! Help me!" Haze screeched, Vulcan panicked for he didn't know what to do.

The three cats looked at each other, then at Haze. Vulcan ran with tears in his eyes, he had no other choice but to leave his best friend behind. He heard the sounds of violent fighting, and the smell of fear and death. He ran further into the forest, not looking back.


Thrushclan had undergone a battle with Heronclan, they were in bad shape and had multiple critically injured warriors. Most cats returned to their camp with blood-soaked pelts and vicious wounds draping their bodies. The atmosphere was tense in Thrushclan, Ospreystar stood high upon the looming ledge of the highest point in camp. All the cats gathered, staring high as the obviously angered leader. 

"We may have lost this battle, but we will not allow them to prevail once again. We are far lower on warriors than usual, but that won't stop us!" Ospreystar yowled.

"What about our apprentices! We are training them far too harshly for their age!" a she-cat cried.

"We need more warriors! apprentices wouldn't stand a chance to a warrior!" a tom hissed.

Ospreystar silenced the angered cats with a ear-piercing screech. He glared at a few of his own warriors, they quickly stood down and stared back up at him. Ospreystar looked back at the whole of his clan.

"The clan has spoken, we need more warriors. I will find a way to make this happen." 

He said, dismissing the clan from their meeting. All the cats dispersed into different areas of camp. Softflight ran up to Ospreystar frantically. 

"Ospreystar! This is important! See me in my den." She said with a worried tone.

Ospreystar nodded, he followed Softflight into her herbal-scented den. He could tell something was wrong, he always knew with Softflight. They both sat side-by side in the corner of the den, Maggotpaw, Softflight's apprentice was sorting herbs in the opposing side of the den.

"Starclan has spoken to me. They gave me a strange cryptic message, Lingeringwind is the only other cat that knows about this. I needed to tell you immediately!" she mewed.

"Three will come to find refuge in Thrushclan, however this choice will divide the trust of many."

"What does that mean? Whatever it is, we are already suffering. We don't need more trouble than we have now." Ospreystar said with a sigh, he looked up at the Medicine Cat with a troubled gaze.

"I'm not sure, but it could possibly be good? Right?" Softflight said semi-optimistically.

"Possibly, all we can do is wait and find out." Ospreystar murmured, he stared at the ground. It was obvious this was going to be detrimental to Thrushclan. However, he was powerless to do anything about it.

Warrior Cats: Shattered UnityWhere stories live. Discover now