Drinks *lil spicy*. -7-

8 0 0

Gabby's: POV

I started to notice that i am getting more touchy with ally than normal

I'm not complaining about it I honestly love holding her and feeling her heartbeat

i'm a little nervous after her panic attack

I would of gotten us out of going to the park but Cole wouldn't let me

and they wouldn't let her go either so she stayed by me
I want to make sure she's at least touching me so she could signal me if it happens again

We all start to head out to the park it's around 8 so most of the kids will be gone now

We start our walk to the park which isn't to far away from my house

Ally still seemed scared and jumpy I keep asking her is she wants to go back home she keeps repeating no so I finally give in and let her go

After walking for 15 ish minutes we get to the park and everyone is having fun taking pictures and then the drinks the the blunts

but ally likes to sit there taking pictures or recording everyone's stupidity

I really don't remember much from last night besides walking home with Ally

and i have no fucking clue what happened with the rest of the group they're probably fine I'll ask all when I'm fully up I'm half asleep at the moment and I have to piss really bad so I take off the covers



After walking gabby home last night which was a little bit of a challenge I got her upstairs and she starts taking off her clothes


"It's hot in here holy shit" gabby slurs

"o-okay um here go put these on" I say handing her some biker shorts

Yeah she kinda just changed right in front of me granted I look the other way but I still saw her

"What about my top" gabby whines
She had a sports bra on like usually

"l-like just-just sleep in your sports top"
I say trying not to make her cry

"Okay come here" she said with weird grabby crab hands

I walk closer to her she pulls me by my hips so I was inch's away from her face "you're pretty you know" she's really close to me

I can smell the alcohol on her breath "thank- thank you" I say nervously she gets closer and closer until

We touch lips


She starts to push me against the wall kind of hard

"Gabby please" I say breathless 
Why do I like this I shouldn't but I do, oh my god

"Gabby gabby please" I whine

"What's wrong princess?" Gabby whispers in my ear while touching my hair

She kisses me again

"gabby" I have no idea what to say I'm shocked

"Is my baby speechless" she whispers in my ear she slowly moves down to my neck and sucks

Why is it so sensitive?

I don't want to stop her because i don't hate it but I don't want it to go to far

She moves to another spot on my neck and does the same thing

"Gabby can we go to sleep now please" I say I don't want it to end but I don't know what's going to happen if I let it keep going

"Sure princess" she says climbing into my bed and falling asleep right away

I sprint to the bathroom to splash water on my face I look in the mirror

I have marks

*Next morning*

"Ally ally what happened" gabby yells

She saw my neck

"I-I have to go" she says grabbing her phone and a jacket

Ugh gabby

I flop on my bed

What if she hates me now?

Is it my fault? what do I do?

I lay for 2 hours in my bed

I'm sorry gabby

Gabby's: POV

"FUCK" I yell at the top on my lungs Before falling on the floor

catching my breath

I start crying I never wanted to make her uncomfortable or anything like that but one night had to ruin everything

No one was home so I yelled whatever I wanted to

"I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry it's my fault I'm so sorry" I tell more "I'm sorry"

How could I do this why did I do that what is wrong with me how could i do that

I get a text for Ally of what had happened the night before I read all of it through tears

I like her I had to ruin it did i

I text her I'm sorry that's all I can say the next thing I know


is it my fault?

i let it happen

days pass with one text from us me explaining and her apologizing

i want her to do it again i want to feel her i was to hug her and have her tell me i'm okay cause i feel like crap

i've thrown up over the days i've had a fever i just want my gabby.

pretty much I love you Where stories live. Discover now