Chapter Three

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Allegrah totally regretted what she just did. She could've said anything else but no. She was that eager to fall in love and make Charli D'amelio jealous that she shot her shot way too early.

"Well I'm pretty sure any way you would've asked I would've said yes" Go Go said winking at Allegrah.

It was like her heart exploded when she said yes. It was like a million butterflies were eating her stomach. It was a feeling she hadn't felt since marrying Charli.

"Really?!" Allegrah said in shock. Go Go nodded.

"How bout we finish our drinks and then go to my place?" Go Go winked when she said that and Allegrah turned tomato red.

"Sure!" Allegrah chugged her drink at a pace so fast it was incredible. She went up to put her cup away and went back to Go Go.

"Jeez girl that was fast, guess I should keep up haha" Go Go said in return and continued to chug her iced tea. She threw away her cup.

"M'lady." Go Go said bowing and putting out a hand to Allegrah. Allegrah took her hand and they walked out. 

They hopped into Go Go's car and before Go Go started driving she leaned in for a kiss.

Even though this was a bold move, Allegrah kissed back. As their tongues met Go Go leaned back and began to drive. 

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