suga شوقا

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شوقا او مين يونغي انه افضل راب في هذا العالم هو لايحتاج الى مزامنه لانه بلفعل يمتلك صوته رائعا. انه لطيف جدا وليس كسول مثل ما يقول البعض وليس بارد المشاعر على العكس هو طبيعي جدا ومتواضع جدا ولطيف ايضا لكنه لايحب ان يتكلم اشياء ليس بها فائده هذا الفتئ لديه مستقبل باهر ولايمكننا انكار ان مستقبله الان جميل جدا بفضل رابه الجميل انا احبه حقا والجميع يحبه وايضا اذا تكلم البعض عنه بلسوء هذا فقط يتعبهم لانهم يكتبون كثيرا اشياء بﻼ فائده عنه كلمات البعض السيئه لاتؤثر به ولا بشهرته او صوته الجميل اكثر ما يزعجني هو اخطائكم الاملائيه عندما تتكلمون عن شوقا !
Suga or Min Yoongi is the best rap in the world he doesn't need to sync because he really has a great voice  He is very nice and not lazy, as some say, and he is not cold in feelings. On the contrary, he is very natural, very humble and nice as well, but he does not like to talk about things that are useless. This boy has a brilliant future, and we cannot deny that his future is now very beautiful thanks to his beautiful rap.  If some talk about him badly, this only tires them because they write a lot of useless things about him. The bad words of some do not affect him, nor his fame or his beautiful voice. What bothers me the most is your spelling mistakes when you talk about Suga!

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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