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I look around to see I'm in a hospital room. How did I get here? I look over to see my sister in shock.

My throat is hurting. My sister ran out of the room to tell everyone I was awake.

A few seconds later, a couple nurses rushed in. "What's going on?" I rasped. My voice was dry and scratchy.

"I'll get you water." My sister stood up and walked out of the room. "How are you feeling, Miss Edwards?" One of the nurses asked.

I just shrug knowing it hurts to talk. Harley comes back with a little cup of water. I smile as I drink it.

My throat still hurt but it felt a little better. As they were typing stuff out, a doctor came in.

She smiled over at me. "How are you feeling? My name is Doctor Hannon." I've never been so confused in my life.

Why am I in the hospital? "Why am I here?" I ask. My voice is still scratchy but not as bad.

"You were in an accident two weeks ago." I look at my sister confused. She nodded her head, confirming it.

Where are my parents? "Do you know where my parents are?" I ask her. She takes a deep breath.

"They're in Oklahoma." She informs me. Now I was even more confused.

"Are we not in Oklahoma?" I ask. Doctor Hannon and Harley looked in between each other. She shook his head no.

"I'm gonna ask you a few questions to see what all you remember." I didn't understand but I went with it.

She sat down next to me. "Can you tell me your full name?" She asked while clicking her pen.

"Saylor Ashton Edwards." She nods as she writes something down.

"Do you remember how old you are?" She asked. I had to think about this one.

But then I remembered. "Twenty." It's only May. My birthday is in October.

But if it's May, then I have to get ready for our Maui trip.

"I'm not trying to be rude, but is this some kind of a prank? I have to pack for Maui." My sister looked at me strangely.

"Saylor, what month do you think it is?" She asked. I looked at her weirdly.

"It's May, right?" Harley gasped as she looked at Doctor Hannon.

I could hear her sigh. "What?" I ask wanting to know. "I hate to tell you this but it's November seventeenth." What?

I blinked back tears as I looked at them. "You've been in a coma for about two weeks." I was in a coma?

"If I've been here for two weeks and I'm not in Oklahoma, then where am I?" I question.

They looked like they debated to tell me. "California." I'm in California? There's so much I need to process.

I lean my head back in my pillow. "Are you okay?" Harley asked softly. I sucked the tears back as I nodded.

"Yeah, it's just a lot to take in. I don't remember much." I shyly tell them.

I tried to play with my fingers but it was hard. "It's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed. This kind of stuff is normal after a coma."

Her voice calmed me down. "Is it okay if we keep moving on?" I nodded my head yes.

She asked me if I could wiggle my toes. I tried to, but it was hard.

She tried other tests on me and wrote it on her clipboard.

"You seem to be doing alright physically so we're going to run some mris and cat scans." She informed me.

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