leaving home

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(optimus pov)

Broadcasting- To all autobots within rang of this signal, our planet is dying we have no choice but to take to the stars I am ordering the evacuation of all autobot cities effective now.

Just as he finished explosions occur destroying evacuation ships and killing many in the process. 

"What was that?" Ratchet exclaims horrified. The terminal cracked to life to show the Decepticon leader Megatron. "I told you to stay and deify me was to die and no one defies Megatron" states Megatron. The screen switches to shoe a massive orbital gun in the atmosphere as well as its view firing on the evac ships "He's insane" Ratchet states.

"Come in silverbolt, we need your squad to take down that cannon." Optimus declares as the screen shows a silver flier and many others running in the background. "Roger, prime we're spinning up the gun will be offline in a few moments!" Silverbolt states as the screen cuts off just as the building rumbles because of a nearby explosion. "Optimus, where is ghostwing we need his help." A scout stat's carrying a wounded soldier. "We picked up strange energy readings we couldn't spare anyone to go look so he went to investigate them." Optimus states. "Well let's hope he gets back soon, otherwise we're not going to be able to hold out much longer." Ratchet says as he rushes to the wounded and tries to stabilize them.

(3rd pov)

A cybertronian jet is seen soaring through the air while tracking energy readings. Based on its heading it's likely the strange readings originate from the land between the sea of rust and the frozen plains. The jet slows near a clear area and transforms to a bipedal mode showing its ghostwing prime searching for any signs of the disturbance. "I'm close it should be somewhere around here." He says looking at the tracker. As he makes his way through a valley, the tracker shows' sign of the energy being right behind a ridge but there is no clear way forward. He activates his power and manipulates the metal making up the ridge away as it shows a hollow opening leading to a tunnel. He ventures forth while deactivating his powers, after a few minutes he finds a large cavern filled with the bones of many beasts and the crystalized form of energon. "This... This is a mass grave... for the predicons of old." He says sadly feeling the connection he has with the beast's ache with grief as he gazes among their remains. As he searches for anything amiss, he noticed something within the main energon cluster. 

He steps forward respecting the deceased until he is close enough seeing the mass more clearly and feeling a force unknown to him, he releases his claws and strikes removing enough crystals so that it can be grabbed. The object is round, colored dark blue with purple highlights and is shaped like an orb as he held it, he felt drawn to it, the need to protect it grew. looking back over the bones of fallen predicons he questions their reasoning. "Why did you all give your lives for this object? what value dose it poses." He mutter to himself thinking of their reason but resolved to leave not wanting anything to happen to the object but as he leaves, he feels a shift in the space and air around him. "Thank you... our true... king." A voice whispers, he looks back to see many different apparitions of predicons all in their bestial forms starting from the entrance back to the orbs resting place but those nearest show signs of higher status as they bow to him then before vanishing one by one the last being a femm as she rises giving a sad but comforting smile before she vanishes. "What... does this mean?" He questions as he continues to look at the femm's spot in the tomb before leaving. He makes it all the way back to main entrance with the orb in hand before looking back to the tunnel filled with emotions unknown to even him, as he manipulates the metal not just around the tunnel but the entirety of the tomb to withstand even the planet imploding before transforming and taking flight back to iacon.

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