Leaf one

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Doctor Anika someone called her from behind gaining her attention. Being tired of after six hours long operation she still able to pull her beautiful smile infront of people.

Ani. Yes tia what you wanna say she said folding the file which she was checking of her one of patient.

Tia. Anika thank god I've got you. Actually I've some work for you

Ani. Which work

Tia. Today me and vikram had date. We had planned earlier but couldn't go because of my busy schedule so today he asked me again. I tried to say him that mr mital asked me to attend his one of Friend who can't come in hospital but he is not listening. He is saying if I can't give him time then what's the need of us being together and he cut the call. I'm some worried Anika. I don't wanna lose him please help me please please

ani. Calm down tia don't be sad. Just don't be. Look these things happens in couples even in me and karan as well it's happens but we sort out.

Ti. Anika you can only help me. If you could then can you go and attend that Patient. Please please

Ani. Ok ok relax I'll go

Ti. Thank you Anika you are great.

Ani. No problem tia hugs her and immediately left from there

Tanya. Anika it was time of your to go home. You already done day night shifts together now instead of taking rest you gonna go there

Ani. It's ok Tanya after visiting that person I'll straight away go home don't worry. Anyways I should leave it's already late.

T. Yh Make sure to go home. I don't want you to look dull with black circles in your wedding

Ani. Don't worry she smiles and left from there grabbing her bag

In way

Anika is humming song driving towards her destination when suddenly she break with shriek when someone come infront of her car making her scares hell out of her. But next second one more screams echoed from her mouth when a man appeared with four other men holding guns and they straight away shoot that person making him cry in pain. She look towards goon and get scared to seeing him. He looks some mafia don something whose eyes are literally dropping blood from them. His ocean blue eyes are just looking so scary having loads of anger in them. For a second she just got lost to checking him out. But again come in her sense when they man shot that guy again and left from there in blink of eyes.

Anika Immediately come out from the car and run towards that guy in fast speed.

Ani. You ok you ok she kept her hand on his chest to stop his bleeding but it's coming out more and more. Soon loads of people gathered there surrounding them but no one is ready to help them and why would they when they know who haunted him.

Ani. Have you got shame. Here someone is dying and you people are standing like clowns without helping me. But no one is ready to help her and looking at him like spectators

Ani. Don't worry don't worry I'll save you. I'm doctor. For god sake Atleast help me to put him in car but still no one helped her. She just shakes her in disbelief and with much difficulties she made him stand up and put him in the car

Ani. I'll save you don't worry

Man. Madam don't help him otherwise the way today he is talking with the god tomorrow you gonna do same

Ani. I'm not afraid of anyone. Being an doctor it's my duty to save people life. Now move my way she glares them and drove away from there in fast speed

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