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Close to Iran, two years after Natasha started working for SHIELD

Natasha stopped the motorcycle and looked around. It was dark, but she knew that she and her protegé were less than 30 minutes away from the border. She caught her breath, as she checked her position.

It had been a rough mission, that for sure, but she was finally beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She was actually going to manage to get the engineer across the border alive. She sighed, happy because of her good job. The best assassins of the country were behind her, and she had managed to avoid them all, for now.

Fury would be proud, and she would have another story to tell to Maria and Clint. He was going to be so jealous. His last mission had been training new assets, and he had hated it. He begged her to exchange missions, but she said no. "In your dreams, Barton." She had told him. She laughed as she remembered it.

She frowned when she saw another motorcycle, very similar to her own, coming from Iran. At first, it seemed like it wasn't a menace. A good assassin would never let their victim see them from afar, and this vehicle was loud and had the front lights on.

Still, she became alert, stopped reminiscing, and told the engineer to adjust his bulletproof vest. Two minutes passed, and the motorcycle reached their position. A man came down and called her name. Her old name. "Natalia," he said.

Natasha couldn't believe her eyes. The man took away his helmet and showed his face. It was James. It really was him. She didn't know how to react. Absent-mindedly, she let her guard down and came closer to him.

She knew that it wasn't the wisest or the safest decision, but she couldn't help it. The love of her life, the person that had kept her going all those years ago was right here in front of her. She believed he was dead, but he wasn't.

Natasha Romanoff caressed the winter soldier's face, as she stared into his eyes. Not a moment after, she realized that those weren't the eyes of the man that she had loved. They were, the same blue eyes, but there was no love in his pupils. There weren't any feelings whatsoever. And that was when she realized, he had been frozen once more. He had forgotten them, forgotten her. Once more, she meant nothing to him. She was just an obstacle. Then, a bullet hit her. And another one killed her protégé.

She cursed. What a fool, she thought, believing for a moment that this was anything but a setup. "Oh, baby. You really screwed up this time" She muttered, as she jumped backward and got ready to fight. She was bleeding, but she would take care of it later. It was a superficial wound, she wasn't really at risk. The winter soldier jumped to the motorcycle and fled the scene.

She immediately followed him. "Coward," she thought, as she sped up. He hadn't even had the guts of having a fair fight. That was not the man she had loved. It was someone else, and she didn't owe him anything. And if this wasn't enough, he had killed her mission. He had defeated her, and that really pissed her off. She wasn't going to have any glorious story to tell Maria.

So she followed him and turned the flight into a fight. Soon, she had immobilized his metal arm, and was on top of him, holding him to the floor. She knew his techniques, his movements. He had shown her how to fight, a long time ago. She knew him.

He had been defeated, and she could kill him. All she had to do was press the trigger. He was a menace for everyone. He wasn't a man, but a weapon controlled by some very bad people. It was the logical thing to do.

Still, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She doubted, and suddenly everything went black. When she opened her eyes, minutes later, she found herself alone. Her motorcycle was by the road, but there was no sign of the winter soldier. There wasn't even a trace that showed he had been there, except the bleeding wound on her abdomen.

If she was anybody else, she might have thought that it had been a dream and that he had never been there. But she knew better. It was him. Then, she realized that she was still alive. "The winter soldier never leaves witnesses," she remembered. That meant that maybe, just maybe, she was there because there still was some of James in the Winter Soldier. She was living proof.

So Natasha reached for her motorcycle, cleaned her wound, and drove back to the base. She decided, for now, not to tell anyone about her encounter with the winter soldier. She would say that an unknown killer had murdered the engineer and wounded her.

It was going to sound weird, and damage her reputation, she was well aware of that, but she wasn't capable of telling on him and watching how all of SHIELD tried to kill him, not if she thought that James was still there somewhere. Not if there was still a chance.


Authors note:

Hey guys! Have you liked this one-shot?

It was inspired by the song "Bad blood", by Taylor Swift. It is not one of my best one-shots, and I personally think that it doesn't make much sense, but I had to update something because...


I have been waiting for this film for a long time, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Nat deserved her own film since she entered the MCU, and I'm really happy she finally got it. (Better late than never, right?)

Also, THE CAST OF THIS FILM and THE AESTHETIC are amazing. I really think it's going to be a great film, or at least I hope so. I need it to be a great film, Nat deserves it.

And I'm going to be so annoyed if they introduce a romantic relationship, in her solo movie, and now that she is gone. I don't think they will anyways.

That's everything for now. I will update my other winter widow novel today too, and I might even do a 9th July marathon, who knows? ;)

By the way, if you see any mistakes or something please tell me so I can correct them. As always, vote and comment!

Tell me what you want to read, I'm open to (almost) everything. Until the next story!

Thank you for reading. <3

Over and out!

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