Ch 10 - Autumn or Winter

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"Puggles" is the term for baby enchidas and platypuses, so I adopted it for the Nifflers :)

Branwen had missed Potions on Monday morning while she was tending to Remus; it was usually the first class of the week that she had with Regulus. The next chance she got to see him was during Care of Magical Creatures on Tuesday afternoon.

One of Professor Kettleburn's female Nifflers had given birth to a small litter two weeks previously and one of the class' responsibilities was to care for the tiny creatures. Branwen and Alice volunteered to feed the tiny puggles, while the rest of the students were assigned to adult Nifflers and instructed to take notes on their diet and behaviour.

Branwen watched Regulus out of the corner of her eye as she replenished the straw in the Niffler nest. He had been partnered with his fellow Slytherin, Kendall Bruce and they were chasing after a large adult male who seemed intent on claiming all the flobberworms for himself. Regulus, feeling someone watching him, straightened up and met Branwen's gaze. He jerked his head toward the castle and mouthed the words "after class." She nodded in agreement.

When the bell rang, most of the students cleaned up as fast as possible, racing for dinner in the Great Hall. Branwen and Regulus moved more slowly, taking their time to gather their books and see that the last of the Nifflers was put away in Professor Kettleburn's cabin. They drifted together as they made their way up the rocky path toward the school.

"I'm sorry about the way Remus treated you," Branwen started quietly. "He – he can't always control his emotions."

"I know," Regulus answered.

They paused and their eyes met. Branwen noticed for the first time that his eyes, which had always seemed a deep black to her, actually had hints of brown, like dark chocolate melting around his pupils. She swallowed hard. "You know?"

"I know. And so does Snape." He watched her closely.


"He was in the hospital wing last month when Lupin came in. And he's been watching you. Snape wants to find something on Potter – James, I mean – so he can convince Evans to stay away from him."

Branwen's face fell. "Evans isn't interested in my brother." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "She's going out with Remus."

Regulus' eyes grew wide and he took an unconscious step forward. "But I thought and Lupin....?"

She shuffled her feet. "I thought so too."

Regulus took another tentative step toward her, half-expecting her to step away. When she didn't move, he reached for her hand and interlaced their fingers. Without warning, Branwen fell into his arms. She clutched at his warm, solid body and started sobbing at the injustice of it all. Why did she have to fall for her best friend? Why couldn't he be the one holding her now? The boy she wanted and the boy she had were so different from each other.

Remus was autumn leaves and woollen jumpers and loose-leaf tea and cinnamon sticks and old parchment and sunsets.

Regulus was winter snow and pin-stripe ties and black coffee and peppermints and broom polish and moonlight.

She wanted autumn....could she learn to love winter?

Sniffling back her tears, Branwen mumbled against his robes, "By the way, you have to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend."

Regulus held her by her elbows and leaned back to look into her tear-streaked face. "What? Why?"

"When Remus told us he was going with Evans, I said I was going with you."


"Yours was the first name that came to mind."

"No," he shook his head, "I mean, why does it have to be anyone? Are you just trying to make Lupin jealous?"

"I....I don't know."

Regulus sighed, then chuckled. "Well, at the very least, it will annoy the hell out of my brother, which is always a good time."

"So you'll go with me?" Branwen brightened.

"Sure," he smiled, then raised a brow. "Uh, Bran....why is your pocket moving?"

She gasped, then reached down. "You have to swear not to tell." When she pulled her hand out, there was a calico puggle cradled in her palm. "His name is Sean."

"And what are you planning on doing with Sean?" Regulus used his forefinger to pet the creature's tiny head.

"Well, usually I'd think of a prank to pull on you the rest of the Slytherins, but now maybe I'll just teach him to steal Remus' chocolate – Oh!" She gasped and gazed up at Regulus, clutching the Niffler to her chest. "You aren't going to tell anyone, are you? About Remus?"

He sighed and shook his head. "No. I won't."

"Swear it," she clutched fiercely at his robes.

"On the honour of Salazar Slytherin."

Branwen frowned. She was dubious about any honour Salazar Slytherin might have, but Regulus appeared sincere, so she accepted his word and, once Sean was safely tucked away again, the two made their way to the Great Hall.

Things had never been as tense between the Marauders as they were that week. They started spending their evenings in the library, but not together. Remus sat at a table surrounded by Lily and her girl-friends. In addition to Marlene and Mary, they were joined by Hufflepuffs Nina, Ivy, and Mia, along with Ravenclaws Leliah and Jemma. It was as though the idea of Remus as a separate entity from the rest of the Marauders suddenly made him much more attractive. The girls giggled at his subtle humour and cooed in feminine tenderness at the dramatic (and false) stories behind his scars.

On the other side of the room, Branwen huddled with Regulus. None of Branwen's friends joined them. Most of them were either half-bloods or Muggle-borns and they were intimidated by Regulus' reputation. Occasionally some of his fellow Slytherins would sit with them, but Branwen would quickly become uncomfortable and retreat to her dorm.

Between the factions, James, Sirius, and Peter would sit in the middle, watching them both.

The week seemed to drag by forever, but finally it was over and Saturday was dawning, the bright rays of the sun announcing the students' first open day of the term.

Branwen picked through her closet slowly that morning. Like almost everything in her life, it was strewn with reminders of Remus. Half of her scarves and gloves had been made by his mother. The blanket she usually brought on nights of the full moon was folded in a corner. She even had one of his cardigans hanging up beside her school robes.

Pushing it away with a sigh, she pulled on a pair of maroon tights and a thick paisley jumper before covering it over with a red coat and black knit cap. She passed James and Sirius with their harem of girls in the common room, making her way to the entrance hall where Regulus was waiting. He was pacing back and forth when she found him, tapping his wand against his palm, muttering something under his breath.

"Hey Reg," she smiled as she approached.

"Oh, Bran!" he spun around. Then he pointed his wand at her and she stepped back in surprise. "Unum Orchideous!" A single red rose sprouted from the tip of his wand. "For you," his pale skin blushed as he handed it to her.

"It's lovely!" She grasped it between her fingertips and inhaled its fragrant scent. "But what will I do with it for now?"

Regulus frowned, then his face lit up. Pulling the rose away from her, he reached out and tucked the steam beneath her cap. The red petals were a shock of velvet brightness against her raven-black hair. "You look lovely," he whispered.

"Thank you, Reg," Branwen leaned forward, kissed his cheek, then started down the stairs.

Regulus was rooted to the spot though. He didn't realise how free Branwen was with her physical expressions of affection. She kissed everyone from her brother to Hagrid to the wizard who had led her hippogriff ride when she was in America. But Regulus couldn't remember the last time he had been kissed. He certainly couldn't remember kissing anyone himself. The place her lips had touched burned like the sting of a Billywig.

Branwen turned around when she had reached Filch's checkpoint and realised she was alone. "Reg?"

"I – I'm coming," he stumbled to catch up with her, still pressing his hand to his cheek.

The day was sunny but bitterly cold. As they strolled along the road to Hogsmeade, branches snapped from the trees, brittle from the ice that had encased them overnight. Frost laced each flower and blade of grass that had survived the season so far. Even the dirt crunched and crumbled beneath their feet.

The two of them walked side by side, each waiting for the other to break the awkward silence. Regulus distracted himself by blowing long streams of mist into the air, like a Muggle releasing a long drag on a cigarette. He had succeeded in distracting himself so well that he almost failed to recognise the sudden warmth that flooded into his hand. He looked down and saw Branwen's mitten curled around his own.

She smiled and leaned into him. "It's a nice day, isn't it? I mean, at least it's not raining or anything."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I hope it's this nice for the match next weekend."

"Rain or shine, I'll still kick your arse, Black," she giggled.

"You wish, Potter! Ah!" Regulus yelled and jumped back. Something in Branwen's pocket had wriggled free and was now scampering up his arm. He started flinging his arm in an attempt to rid himself of the vermin.

"No! Stop! You'll hurt him!" Branwen's Seeker skills kicked in and she snatched the Niffler from mid-air as he flew from Regulus' arm. "Poor baby. Are you hurt?"

"I think I'll survive," Regulus panted, clutching at his chest.

Branwen rolled her eyes. "Not you, troll-breath. Poor little Sean." The Niffler rubbed against her cheek and huffed lightly.

Regulus raised a brow as Branwen stuffed the tiny creature back into her pocket, then reached for his hand again. "Troll-breath?" He discreetly tried to check his breath as they continued walking. "Is it really that bad?"

"What? No, it's a joke," she laughed. "Haven't you ever insulted your friends as a joke?"

His blank expression was answer enough.

She laughed again and poked his shoulder. "You should try it sometime – dungbomb."

"I'll try....uh....hippogriff....manure....?"

"We'll work on it, Black."

The sun continued to shine as they made their way into the village where the streets were quickly turning to mud under the feet of its hundreds of visitors. The pair stopped first at Honeydukes. It was teeming with their fellow students. Some of them shouted out greetings to Branwen, but swerved away when they saw her with Regulus. When this happened for the fourth time, Branwen's thoughts went to the secret tunnel beneath the store, wishing it would swallow her up.

Thinking about the tunnel though reminded her yet again of Remus. Her mind wandered and she began to wonder what he was doing at that moment. Presumably he was also in Hogsmeade, hanging on the arm of Lily Evans. Were they pleasantly perusing the offerings at Flourish and Blotts? Were they surrounded by rowdy Gryffindors in the Three Broomsticks? Maybe they were snogging each other senseless in Madam Puddifoot's?

Branwen shook her head to clear her thoughts, but found herself standing in front of the display of Remus' favourite chocolates. She sighed and shook her head.

"Bran! Come on," Regulus ran up behind her and dragged her to the counter. They presented the witch behind the till with their bounty and Branwen reached for her coin purse.

"What are you doing?" Regulus asked.

"Paying for the candy," she answered matter-of-factly. Branwen was accustomed to spending a small fortune on Remus' monthly supply of chocolate.

"Let Sean play with those." Regulus pushed away the galleons in her hand. Then he pulled out his own coin purse, a black leather pouch embossed with the Black family motto, Toujours Pur. He paid for his and Branwen's treats, then laid her out on to the street again.

They visited Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and J. Pippin's Potions, an apothecary shop the Marauders had never been willing to visit with her. Finally, their hands intertwined, Regulus began leading her down the High Street.

"Um, Reg....where are we going?"

"I thought we'd stop for some tea at Madam Puddifoot's before we head back to the castle. Is that all right?"

"Oh, um...." Puddifoot's was the known haunt of couples looking for a quiet place to snog amongst other couples. Branwen was suddenly gripped by the fear of walking into the shop and seeing Lily sucking on Remus' face. If she didn't go, then she wouldn't see it. Then again, what if Remus walked in and saw her holding hands with Regulus.....


"Hmm?" She lifted her face to find Regulus' dark eyes studying her. "Would you rather go the Three Broomsticks?"

"No. Puddifoot's is fine."

They made their way down the broad road toward the witch's tea shop. The bell above the door jingled softly as they entered. It was as awkward as Branwen had imagined. Sturgis Podmore was holding hands with Hufflepuff, Norah Bennett. Bridget Latimer was leaning against Caspar Montgomery. Electra Zabini was snogging Evan Rosier in a corner. Even feisty little Auror Sinistra was sitting across the table from the shy Ravenclaw boy she had dragged along. He was stuttering terribly and could barely look her in the eye.

But as Regulus stepped inside toward an empty table, Branwen gasped and clutched at her pocket. "Reg! Reg!" she hissed. "I think this is a bad idea."

"What? Why?"

The reason was obvious as soon as he turned around. Sean had leapt from Branwen's coat and was trying frantically to squirm from her closed fist. The room was overwhelming with sparkly temptations: the polished silverware, the dainty tea pots, the crystal birds that fluttered around the room emitting an airy tune. Sean was losing his tiny mind.

"Oh, come on!" Branwen squeezed the baby Niffler back into her pocket then ran out the door.

"Sorry Sean sort of ruined the end of the day," Branwen said. After leaving Hogsmeade, the two had walked around the Black Lake until it was time for dinner in the Great Hall.

"Don't worry about it," Regulus gave her a bright smile. "I had a really nice time."

"Me too. So, I guess I'll see you in Potions on Monday?"

"Sure," he nodded. He leaned in just a little, almost expecting another kiss. But she gave him a small squeeze of his fingers as a way to say goodbye, then hurried over the Gryffindor table.

James, Sirius, and Peter were all grouped together in their usually place. To Branwen's surprise, though, Remus was with them. His green eyes followed her across the hall and he half stood as she approached. Branwen's heart skipped a beat and her steps faltered as she started to rush to his side. But just then, someone brushed past her shoulder.

"Remus! Remus, you dropped your prefect pin!" Lily flew to Remus' side, pressed the pin into his palm, kissed him on the cheek, then sat down beside him. Remus' face was as red as Lily's hair as the boys around him threw down their knives and forks, leaving the table in disgust.

Branwen swallowed hard and shoved down the anger that threatened to boil over. Ignoring Remus' imploring gaze, she walked to the far end of the table where Alice and Emmeline were sitting with Alice's boyfriend, Frank Longbottom.

"Bran!" Alice leaned over as her friend sat down. "Frank and I saw you with Regulus Black in Hogsmeade today. Are you two really together?"

Branwen reached for a basket of dinner rolls. "Yeah, I guess we are."

"But I and Lupin....?" Emmeline said.

"I thought so too," Branwen sighed. "But I don't know what to think any more."

Frank frowned. "You need to be careful with Black. My mum says the whole family is into the Dark Arts. It's almost a religion with them. And she would know. One of my great-uncles married a Black."

Branwen pushed her peas around her plate.

"It'll be okay, Bran," Alice placed a hand on her arm. "We'll be here for you no matter what."

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