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Chat arrived with him and Mari at the hospital in record time. Chat had never moved so fast in his whole life.

CN: "HELP!!!! Someone please help!!! This girl has been abused and missing for several days now! She needs help. She in critical danger and may not make it much longer!"

*Nurses and Doctors come running to help CN.*

The Doctor puts Mari on a bed and runs her down to the nearest room. Chat was right she may not live much longer.

Nurse*running*: "Chat Noir can you tell me what happened up until you arrived at the hospital with this young lady."

CN: "I can tell you what I know, but I havent seen her for days now." *CN begins to talk about what happened*

CN: "I go to visit M'lady whenever I get the chance. I show up and know on her window. She always answers right away and greets me with a kiss on the cheek...... I went a coole days ago.....rooms a mess..... Mari missing..... searching for days.... find her being beat in an alley..... the man saying shes been here for days.... he broke her leg..... he was beating her when he found them...Mari was unconscious.... and then I rushed her here as fast as I possibly could."

Nurse: "I have a couple things from that i would like to clarify if that's okay with you. I just don't wanna get the wrong impression of something because that could change this whole scenario.

CN: "I'll do anything to help Mari."

Nurse: "First, are you and her a couple. That's the impression that was given during you're story. Second, do you know anyone who would want to harm her for any reason. If you could please describe the man that you protected her from."

CN: "To answer your first question yes are dating, but we haven't made it public since I hold a big role in society. This is for both her privacy/safety as well as mine. With that being said that eliminates anyone wanting to harm her because she is with me. I don't know any reason or any person who would want to harm her since she is nice to everyone and anyone. Sadly, I cannot describe the man becides that he was around 6'5". I believe that Mari may be able to when she wakes up as she has seen him much more than I."

Nurse: "Thank you very much Chat Noir you're help is very appreciated. Seeing as you guys are together, you are welcomed to stay here, but people may question who you are here for. I would allow you in the room but it's against the rules until we are assured of the patient's safety."

CN: "I completely understand. I'll stay until I can go visit her, after that I must leave for patrol and I know that she will understand why I'm not here when my reason is stated."

Nurse: "Understood, Mr. Noir, we will come and get you as soon as you're allowed to see her."

*Hours and hours later*

Nurse: "Chat Noir, sir, the doctor has given you permission to go and see her, although she isnt awake. Would you like me to tell you more about her state first?"

CN: "Yes, please."

Nurse: "As of right now she is completely knocked out, we believe that she may be in a coma. She is believed to wake up within a month or so. From the tests we did she cannot hear nor feel anything. We believe that she will make a full recovery but we cannot be sure because her brain is on low function the the coma."

CN: "I'm glad to hear she is suppost to make a full recovery. If you would please lead me to her room as I have to do patrol soon."

Nurse: "Of course, right this way."

*they walk to Mari's room*

Nurse: " Here we are, stay as long as you would like."

*Chat enters room slowly*
-in Chats Mind-

Look at her, she looks so miserable, she didn't deserve any of this. All she ever wanted was for everyone to be happy. She never hurt anyone and this is how she gets paid back. Dammit Chat think, who and why would anyone do this to her. Ugh it's no use I'll think about it later for now I need to focus on Mari. I wanna say something to her so bad but the words just wont come out. I dont know what to say. "I'm sorry? I hope you get better soon? I know you can't hear me but I know you can get through this?" Forget it the words wont come out anyways. I wanna hold your hand but im afraid to scare you and have you think it's that man again. I can see you're bruises and I know this will haunt you. I'm so glad to see you're okay Mari, *Chat wipes tear from his eye*, I have to go on patrol now.

I'm sorry, M'ladyWhere stories live. Discover now