Chapter 1: An Explosion in the Sky

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We should have realized the consequences of our actions before anything else but our curiosity took it's toll. The day the recent incident was solved. I should have known there was a big storm coming after such a small scale incident. I don't think any of us knew what was coming; we couldn't have. How could a simple shrine maiden have known the world was on the path of destruction? Either way the day the incident started was like any other. Marisa and I were doing a danmaku battle to prepare ourselves for the lunar festival that was happening soon.

Then suddenly there was a huge explosion both Marisa and I were shocked as we looked up the sky… Blew up? I immediately flew up to see what the issue was. Maybe it was Flandre again? She is known for causing destruction such as explosions; Marisa followed behind on her broom.

Once we arrived at the spot that exploded there was already Remilia waiting there with an umbrella to protect her pale vampire skin from the sun inspecting the spot, she must have heard it too. The explosion was near the Scarlet Devil Mansion after all, hence why I assumed it was Flandre's doing, though Remilia seemed as confused as I was.

Remilia spotted us almost immediately and frowns "Kirisame? Was this your fault?" Marisa huffed and narrows her eyes at the scarlet devil "Why are you blaming me? Your little sister is literally a human embodiment of a bomb! If anyone I assumed it was Flandre's fault" Remilia simply rolled her eyes at the magician. "If it was Flandre's fault why would I have left the mansion in broad daylight to see what the issue was?" Marisa, of course didn't have an answer. She couldn't have, Remilia had a point. "Then if it wasn't Flandre then who was it?"

"Why do you think I'm here if not to investigate as you two are?" Marisa in response just frowned. I on the other hand was investigating the spot as they were arguing. The spot seemed to have left some sort of dust? "Why is there dust in the sky…? And how is it just floating there?"

I mumbled to myself while Marisa and Remilia were continuing to argue. I pick up a little bit of the dust with my finger rubbing it between my thumb and pointer. "It's some sort of powder… Odd…" turning to the girls I shout "Hey! Do either of you know of any youkai that makes dust?" Both girls stop their danmaku fight and shook there heads.

"Then… Where could have this dust have come from…?" I wondered aloud. Remilia flew closer and her eyes widened. "Um, Reimu…" She picked up a piece of white fluff on the ground, it was greyish covered in the same dust. "Something is definitely wrong here… I guess we'll have to talk to Sanae to see if she has any clue what it is" Remilia shrugged as I frowned. "Sanae?"

"Yes, she is from Earth and grew up there, we could always ask Yukari but I don't know where she went" Carefully putting the strange powder in a pouch with the fluff all three of us flew off to Moriya Shrine.

~~Time Skip~~

It didn't take long to arrive, Remilia and I landed softly while Marisa of course crashed into one of the pillars. The pillar cracked from the impact, Marisa thankfully was ok but had a bump on her head. I just sigh and walked up to the door of the shrine marveling at the view from the mountain that Moriya shrine sits on.

Lush green fields, forests, and lakes the sun reflecting off the Yasaka Lake made the view from the mountain beautiful. Though what I focused on more was a strange figure walking through the forest. They didn't look that tall maybe 5'1 or so. They wore a faded blue hoodie with the hood covering their features, they were walking in the opposite direction of the shrine so I couldn't see if it was a youkai or human.

I look back at the door that I had my hand lifted in a fist to knock, Remilia and Marisa were looking at me strangely. "I uh… It's a beautiful view." My excuse was flimsy but they both seemed to calm down. Finally I knocked on the door and waited until the door cracks open enough to see the face of Sanae looking at me confused "Hello, how can I- Oh? Reimu?"

The door fully opened revealing the green haired shrine maiden Sanae. I smile a little "Hello Sanae, I came because-" "The explosion, right?" She asked cutting me off. I frown "How'd you know?" She rolls her eyes "Well, anyone with ears would have heard it! Suwako probably heard it in fact!"

I sigh "As I was saying, because the explosion. Remilia was already there when Marisa and I flew up to check it out. At the scene we found some powdery like substance and a piece of fluff that was grey because it was also covered in the same powder." Sanae was listening intently to Reimu. No, just kidding she was thinking about the neon colored figure that came by on a skateboard at some point. "…and that's why we need your help, to figure out what these are"

Pulling out the pouch with the item and powder I hold it out to the mountain maiden. She seemed to come out of a trance and shook her head "O-of course. I was listening, repeat it just so Marisa and Remilia can hear it would you?" I simply gave her a deadpan glare. Which she flinched and immediately grabbed the pouch going inside and leaving the door open for us to go in, which we did.

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