Welcoming Anton

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Daniel is laying on his side in the bed trying to work through a contraction. I come in the room dressed in ripped jeans and a crop top with my black and white vans on.
"Are you okay baby?"I asked him.
"This hurts babe. I want to go to the hospital now." Daniel said as he got up and put on a pair of sweat pants and a loose fitting t shirt and he puts on his slip on vans. I tell his parents it's time go.
"We will stay here with the cat and the dog dear. We will drive his car to the hospital later. We think it's best that only you are in the room with him."Marisa said to us. We left in my Altima to go bring our son into the world. We get to the hospital and get him checked in and into a room. I help him get into the hospital gown. I placed his clothes and shoes inside the extra bag we brought to the hospital for dirty clothes. Daniel is laying in his side and I go over there to hold his hand as he gets another contraction.
"Breathe baby. In and out. I got you baby. Just work through it."I said as I held his hand.
"This hurts babe. This really fucking hurts."Daniel said.
"I know. You should get up and that will get your water to break." I said as I helped him so he could walk around. We walked around a while until his water broke and I put him back in the bed. The doctor came in and he was 7 centimeters dilated.
"Ah! Shit!!! This really fucking hurts!!! Ahhhh!!!!" Daniel screamed as he laid his head on the hospital pillows.
"Breathe baby." I said as I held his hand through the pain. This lasted for several hours until the doctor came in and he was fully dilated and he got him ready to start pushing.
"Okay Daniel on the next contraction I need you to push."The doctor said as he got ready to help with the delivery.
"Fuck!!! This fucking burns!!!! I want him out!!!!"Daniel screamed as he felt the baby's head coming out.
"Your doing baby.'I can see the top of his head."I said to him.
"This really fucking hurts!!!!!"Daniel screamed as he pushed and the baby's head popped out and the doctor suctioned out his moth and nose and cleaned his face.
"His head is out baby. Not much longer until we have our baby boy in our arms."I said to him.
"Fuck this is painful!!!! I want this to be over with."Daniel screamed as our son came out.
"It's a boy." The doctor said as he got our son to cry and he placed him on Daniels chest. I cut the cord and our son was free of his father.
"Hey Anton. Your finally here. Daddy loves yo so much already."Daniel said as he held our son.  The nurse took our son to clean him up and stuff. The doctor helped Daniel deliver the placenta. The nurse handed Anton to me and I held him while they checked Daniel's postpartum state. When they were done the doctor showed Daniel how to breastfeed and how to burp him. After I changed his diaper and after he had ate. I gave him back to Daniel.
"You did a good job baby."I said to him.
"He has your nose babe." Daniel said to me.
"He has your hair."I said to him. We talked for a while. I laid Anton in his bassinet and we went to sleep.
Anton Hanno Brühl was born on March 2,2019 at 12:06 am weighing 9lbs 12oz and was 17 inches long.

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