Chapter 2 - Max

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I stared at myself in the mirror looking at slight dark circles under my eyes and the bruise on my jaw. My head was aching from drinking too much beer and having a hangover so early in the morning. And to add, the bruise that I got from kissing Blake was aching like hell. My hair was messed up but I paid no attention to it as brushed my teeth averting my gaze from the mirror.

When I was done, I sighed heavily setting my head against my hands closing my eyes as well. Why did I do that... I answered myself out loud as I forced myself to look up glaring back at myself in the mirror. "Because, idiot, he is handsome, kind, clever and besides that, he also seemsk like he's like you. So why couldn't you kiss him? Almost as if you cannot kiss anyone anymore."

Then another side of mine answered grumbling. "Alright, but it would your own fault if they start to bully you again. You brought the consequences upon yourself. Besides that, he is one of the popular people. You know that you cannot interfere or even kiss those kind of people." I frowned as other side started to stammer. "B-but how..."

Knock came on the door interrupting my conversation with myself as my older sister called out angrily. "Max! Are you talking with yourself? Again!? If so, go crazy in your room. I need to use the bathroom." I huffed and opened the door looking at my sister angrily with a scowl. "I was not going crazy and was not talking to myself."

She laughed sarcastically and pushed me out of the bathroom roughly slamming the door after herself. My expression changed from angry one to more tired and annoyed as I went back to my room to change my clothes and tidy up my hair. When our mother called us down for dinner, I was already dressed and giving myself another look-over, I headed downstairs to the kitchen.

As I sat down in my chair, my little sister Lolita sat at the opposite end looking at her new phone that she got about few days ago on her birthday. Her expression was puzzled as she looked over the screen before looking up to meet my gaze with a grimace. "What?" I shook my head and smiled at Mom as she put down plate full of vegetables and other things that were supposed to make my hunger disappear.

My older sister finally emerged from the bathroom grimacing as she tried to tug away her curler from herself. Even if she was like two years older than me, she whined walking over to mom. "Mom! Max again glued my hair to curler! Again!" When they both looked over, I put on my best innocent face and lifted my shoulders signalling that I had nothing to do with that as I bit down on my lip trying to keep laughter.

Mom narrowed her eyes at me before she sighed heavily and nodded to the chair. "Sit down. I'll try to cut it out." My sister's widened and she started to scramble away almost knocking my glass with juice. "W-wait! You can't! What about my date? It's today actually! I don't want to make him wait!" Mom fixed her glare on her and replied annoyingly. "Sit down, Elizabeth. I'll make sure that your hair will look like it did before."

I started to rise from my chair hoping that they would not see me leave but Mom asked. "And where are you going, Max?" I turned around and smiled sweetly. "To school. I need to go now. Seems like I forgot to do something." I started to walk away but Liza yelled. "No! Don't let him get away!" I glanced behind my shoulder and seeing that my sister already started to stand up even though Mom was trying to make her sit down, I grinned and sprinted out of the house still hearing angry shouts of my sister full of swearing words.

When I reached the school, I stopped beside the doors and burst laughing at Liza's face. Ah, sometimes she just made it so easy to do that kinds of pranks on her. I took few breaths and image of angry face Liza along with hair curler stuck to her head sent me back in clutches of laughter making me hard to breathe. I stopped laughing when the doors opened and another type of laughter, annoying one, came out along with people that were pouring out of the doors.

My breath hitched as I saw Blake laughing along with other guys when they came out of the school. As always, I stared at him unable to move at all and mesmerized by his features. His dark hair shuffled at slightest movement of his head, his dazzling smile was radiating with warmth and kindness and what could I say about his posture? It and he all himself was just perfect. Many girls were after him but somehow he always reject every each one of then using the fact that he had a girlfriend as an excuse.

Maybe he really was like me...His head turned and our eyes met. I could see and practically feel his pain and hurt from the night before that was reflecting in his gaze which made me even more guilty about the drunk kiss that I gave him night before. His laughter died down and he muttered something to his friends before he made his way around other people towards me.

He finally reached me and stopped in front of me his hands clenched into fists perhaps trying to decide whether he should punch me or not. I spoke before he could do anything. "I'm deeply sorry about the kiss and yesterday as well. You can punch me or whatever if you'd like to." But even with my permission, he was still standing looking at me with pained look as if he was unable to look away.

Then he reached out to me and grabbed my arm pulling me into the school. The sudden movement made my heart beat even faster as small shocks went through when he touched me. We walked around the somewhat filled with people hallways before he gripped my arm tighter and pulled me into the boys bathroom and into the stall shutting the door behind him then locking it. I looked at him with shock and somehow his pained gaze grew even more with hurt. It made somehow blush under his persistent look and I couldn't look up to him.

But he made me to. He took hold of my chin and pulled my head up to meet his gaze as I winced. The bruise still didn't heal from yesterday but he didn't seem to care. He murmured then low enough for only me to hear. "You kissed me." I nodded slightly and he continued. "And you took advantage of me since I was completely drunk." My eyes grew and I started to shake my head and mutter the apologies about ones that he didn't care.

Blake just leaned closer dipping his head and pressed him own lips against mine kissing me fully. Shock froze me on the spot as I was trying to make up my mind whether if I should kiss him back or push him away and give him a good slap. Before I could choose, my body took control and hooked my arms around his neck pulling him lower to return his kiss moving my lips against his.

When he parted my lips and took another step in kissing, his hands lowered from my back and rested on my butt. Single move made me furious and I pushed him away hard making him slam against the stall's wall. He looked at me bewildered his breath ragged just as mine but his eyes showed no guiltiness of whatsoever. He lowered his arms and smirked leaning back against the wall. "Revenge is sweet, isn't it?"

Realization registered on my face and I unlocked the door walking out of the stall as quickly as I could. But he caught my arm and pulled me back from the door before I could reach it. Blake turned me around and pushed him against the wall still having his tight grip on me. He growled lowly lowering his head down to me. "You have no right to neither refuse me or attack me, understood?"

Regret in me grew as I stared into his cold green eyes that seemed to pierce my heart and my soul. Now what do you have to say about this? Huh?! I snarled at my other side before I nodded slightly averting my gaze down. He continued speaking lowly. "From now on, you will be mine. Understood?" I nodded again and he smirked.

Blake kissed me again pushing me against the wall roughly and the next minute, he was already walking out of the bathroom and slamming the door after himself. I sag down onto the floor ignoring guys that went by me asking if I was okay. How could he go from the nicest person to the most horrible creature in the world?

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