Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful night. The sky was clear, I could see thousands of stars, and it was peaceful

and quiet. I was sitting on the roof of one of the castle towers, leaning back and just taking it all in. All of

the sudden, a delectable smell wafted up to my nose, and the sound of footsteps rang out from below. I

leaned forward to see Blade and Sword come in, and I also saw Sir Ibram cooking below, which

explained the smell.

"Smells great, doesn't it?" Blade asked, obviously complimenting Sir Ibram's cooking.

"Anything smells better than Meta Knight's cookin'," Sword added.

I was instantly on edge, poised and ready to leap down and confront them, when a third set of

footsteps started approaching, and Meta Knight joined them on the balcony.

"What was that you were saying?" Meta Knight asked them.

Ooh, he's got 'em now! I thought to myself, smirking.

"Uhh... Uhh..." Sword began nervously. "We were sayin' uhh..."

"Your cooking is..." Blade continued. "Beyond compare!"

"I see," Meta Knight nodded, turning and heading back inside.

Once I was sure he was gone, I slid down the roof to confront Blade and Sword, who by now had

turned back to look over the edge, astounded by how tasty Sir Ibram's food smelled.

"GAH!" They gasped, drawing their swords and spinning around, surprised. "'ow long have you

been here?!"

"I've always been here," I explained. "Star warrior rule #35; Always check your surroundings.

Now, you are going to tell him the truth, correct?"

"Right," Blade assured me. "W-we just didn't wanna drop it on 'im like that... we'll bring it up

when it's more relevant..."

"Roight," Sword agreed.

"I can understand that," I relented. "I wouldn't wanna leave him completely devastated like

that... Well, I trust you, and I'll leave you to it! See you boys tomorrow!"

"See ya, Ashlee!" Blade and Sword waved as I left to return to my room and get some sleep at



The next morning, I awoke to the light trickling into my room from the outside, as always. I

pushed myself up and, walked slowly over to my cupboard, grabbing myself a bowl of cereal, and some

orange juice, and sitting down in front of the TV, turning it on to see what weird shows Channel DDD

had on today."We have a cooking competition this afternoon in the castle courtyard!" Escargoon announced

on what seemed to be some sort of advertisement. "Few will enter, but only one will win!"

"What's the prize?" Dedede asked, pretending to be an oblivous audience member.

"Fame and fortune!" Escargoon exclaimed.

"How do I enter?" Dedede pressed.

"All you have to do is order one of these babies!" Escargoon explained, and an image of a

Kirby Right Back At Ya! A New Chef Enters The Ring! Inverted FateWhere stories live. Discover now