chapter -26

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riddhima patted vansh's cheeks....but he was not responding, blood was continuously flowing from his head , she tears a piece of her goun and ties it on vansh's head to prevent it from bleeding ...

ten minutes later doctor reaches there .....after vansh's treatment... doctor  asks angre to take good care of him because he lost lots of blood , thats why his body was so weak and he needs a good care ..... riddhima assures her ...and doctor went from there .....

vansh was still unconscious angre asks riddhima to take rest but she denied and said...

he needs someone beside him because of me he is now in this condition I can't leave him alone

but riddhima he barely completed his sentence when riddhima interrupts ...

angre i would not leave him alone and i m not going to change my decign so its better you stop arrguing morever you need  rest go and take it because i don't think vansh would be able to do office it will be your responsibility you have to look after go ...

okk...but call me if you need anything ..... replied angre....saying this he left them alone ....

here , riddhima goes near vansh she sat on her knees taking vansh's hand in her's .....

tears were still in her eyes ...her eyes were fixed on vansh's sleeping figure ...after sometime she went into  deep slumber in the sitting position ....

after an hour

vansh opens his eyes ....he feels a strange pain in his head , he holds his head with one hand then he feels his one hand in someone's grip that's when his eyes fell upon riddhima whose head was on bed and her whole body was on floor she kept her head  upon his hand by holding it from her both hands ....

a smile crept on his lips he got up and sat without disturbing her sleep then he caresed her face very lovingly by his another hand , his one hand was still in her grip ....then he bent lil and kissed her on her forehead and moved back .....

vansh's pov

she still looks like a small cute riddhima my riddhima...a very cute doll saying this he smiles lil while staring at her know what riddhima , i always says that i hate you ....but i know , how badly i missed you in these years ......if all that had not happened that day , we would have been togather today.....
end of pov


five year old riddhima was playing with her doll when vansh comes towards her and says ....

offoo riddhima i told you na don't play this type of games , I don't like when your doll go with other boy leaving her frnd alone .....

but vansh its reallity one day riddhima too will leave you and go with other guy.......replied dadi (smilingly)....

vansh (angrily) : what do you mean dadi my riddhima will leave me and will go with other guy ....but why would she leave me , we will be live togather forever me and my riddhima  .....i would never leave my riddhima ....

dadi : but vansh she can't be with you forever ....when she grows up she will get married ...because when a girl grows up she gets married....then she has to go to her husband's house how will you stay with riddhima forever ...not only you we also can't be with her forever ....she will live with her husband and his family not with us. ......

vansh (angrily) : no dadi , i would not let this happen ....she will live with me only and if wedding is very important for girls then i will  marry her so that she couldn't go away from me ....

saying this vansh broke the third (boy) doll due to which riddhima started crying ...

riddhima listen look this doll is you and this showing her second (boy) doll this is me okk tell me do you want anyone else between us ....on which riddhima nods in no .....

see vansh and his doll will live togather forever .....saying this he hugged riddhima and she laughs cutely ....


a tear escapes from vansh's eye and fell on riddhima's hand feeling something wet on her hand she opens her eyes and finds vansh sitting infront of her and his hands were still in her grip , she got up with a jerk and left his hand .......

riddhima : vansh i ..i m ..s. sorry i didn't hurt you intentionally ...i had no idea that you were there ...i threw that vase because i was so frustrated ...i m sorry ....

vansh : no riddhima , it was not your fault i deserve that for behaving like a jerk with you ....if you want you can slap me ....i wouldn't mind ....and its good you hurt me i deserve that for leaving you there alone.....i am so sorry riddhima ...i wouldn't do this again ...plz forgive me if you can plz ...

it means you are not angry on what i did with you ....asked riddhima

no riddhima ...why would i ??..when it was all my fault ....

riddhima (thinking)...he is behaving so nicely , i mean it never happens , he is accepting his fault instead of blaming me .....i guess he got some internal injuries to his head thats why he lost his thinking ability.....its good when he behaves like a jerk ..but i don't like his sweet nature bappa its so scary ...plz make him well soon .... I don't like his this nature .....his sweet nature means I can't go near anyone and if i don't listen him, he will punish others.....


a grumpy riddhima sitted on a floor with cute pout when vansh came and sat beside her

riddhima i am so sorry , i shouted upon you .....but you should have not go there know na aryan doesn't like you , he can harm you time don't go near himm okk...

but vansh you are not angry upon me for whatever i did with you ....i pushed you infront of rohan and they laughed at you ...i m sorry ....

no riddhima , it was not your fault , i shouted upon you thats why you pushed me ......if you want you can kick me slap me and push me but don't go near anyone okk....riddhima nods her head ...

after that vansh and riddhima got busy in talking each other when a boy comes and ask riddhima to play with him .....vansh angrily glance him and says .....cant you see she is with me and listen next time don't try to come near her ...she is only my frnd ....and get lost ....saying this he pushed him lil...


i think you need rest ...saying this she was about leave when vansh says ...

i had no idea that you are such a wild cat i mean the way you threw that vase upon hitted me so hard that i lost my took a good revenge on me ....

thats it for today's episode....sorry for short update as i was little upset today i was not able to think more

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