Chapter 1

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You know people with anger issues, what all can they do when they get angry? There are people who live in denial and can shout, swear, break things or worse, be physically abusive towards others. Then there are people who accept the fact that they have anger issues, take therapies and learn to control their anger by distracting themselves, avoiding situations that make them angry/irritated or by channeling the aggression towards something useful. I was diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder at the age of 11, and yes that's the medical name for anger issues. My father was the one to point it out. He noticed me being aggravated by petty things, me shouting at people, getting frustrated over nothing, etc. Him and mom then took me to a psychiatrist, got me checked out; and oh was I tempted to rip the psychiatrist's head off of his body, I mean that guy already knew I can't control my anger but still he had to ask so many questions. Geez. Anyways, the visits started getting better and better, and here I am. I can now control my anger but every now and then the anger gets better of me, which by the way is very rare; and I am one of those people who like to channel their anger towards something useful. Well, now with that said, I channel my anger towards boxing. Not very recommendable for a person with anger issues, right? I know, but it helps me relieve any sort of anger or any other unwanted emotions and also, is a great way to take the weight off my shoulders.

It's now 2021, and I am 17 years old. Yep! I am in 12th grade with Science. I want to be a professional boxer later in life, but right now I fight small championships, which are not very often. It's been almost 4 months since the last fight as I was badly injured. The twist here is that I didn't get injured boxing, I was jumped on after the fight in the alleyway behind the boxing club. The opposite team did not take their defeat gracefully so decided to do a sneak attack; and that, my friends, is a perfect example of sore losers. I did try to fight them off but I was outnumbered. They left me in the alley afterwards; thankfully a passerby saw me and helped me book a cab home. Normally dad is my designated driver but that particular day he had a gig at a pub nearby. He is a comedian. So he told me take the cab. Till date, he blames himself, he still thinks if he would have picked and dropped me that day this wouldn't have happened. One good thing that happened is that nowadays either he or mum drives me wherever I want to go, if it's not in a walking distance. I had to stay in the hospital for two days; I had two bruised ribs and a broken ankle. Have to say, they did a number on me.

"Alex! Come down for breakfast!"

That, ladies and gentlemen, is my mother, Aurora Grey Vintelli. She used to be an english teacher in my school. You think that's bad, wait till you have someone correcting every syllable you say.

"Right now, Alex!"

She said in her scary mother voice, that somehow scares everyone but me; or at least I'd like to think that it doesn't scare me.

"Coming mom!"

I got out of bed, almost face planting on the floor because of the blanket tangled around my feet. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair putting it in a messy bun. I go down and the most amazing smell hit my nose. Bacon and scrambled eggs! I quickly take my place in the dining table and dig in. I moan out at the heavenly taste of bacon.

"Well, good morning to you too. I am great this morning, thanks for asking."

That is my father, Mario Vintelli. He is a full time comedian, and by the looks of it he does quite well. He makes the worst dad jokes. Some are really idiotic and some are intellectual, which is quite rare.

"Morning" I replied back with my mouthful.

"Morning mum"

"Morning Alex"

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