Chapter 2

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Detention is the best part of school. I mean, it's obviously not good for my academic records but it's the only period where you can do whatever you want, and that's only possible if the detention teacher is super chill. And just my luck, it was one of the strictest teachers, Mr. Miller. Another surprise is that no one was in detention today, which is a very, very rare occurrence, almost never. I just spent half an hour of the detention doodling since I had nothing to do.

Just 10 minutes was left of the detention, and that's when the door opened revealing blue eyes and another guy.

"Mr. Knight, Mr. Davis, you both could have just not come. Detention's going to be over in" he checks his watch, "9 minutes." The Davis guy smirks and replies "Better late than never teach." They enter the classroom and blue eyes looks at me. He smirks at me and whispers something over to his friend. They both look at me and start walking here. Oh no, that not good! They came, took the chairs in front my desk, turned it around and sat in front of me.

"Hey!" I just wave at the Davis boy. "I am this idiot's best friend. I know, it's unfortunate." Blue eyes playfully rolled his eyes and smacked Davis' head. "See what I mean! He is so mean!" he whined rubbing the spot where blue eyes hit him. This guy is not too bad, he reminds me of Cara. I just give him a smile and focus on my doodle. "You won't ask memy name?" I looked up to see Davis looking at me hopefully. Well okay then,"What's your name, Mr. Davis?" He looked at me annoyed and then continued "Blake Davis at your service," putting emphasis on Blake. He did a little bow thingy.I am still going to call him Davis. "Well I am Alexandra Vintelli. You can call me Alex." I offered him a smile which he returned.

I turned to look at blue eyes only to see him looking at us with a smile on his face. "Ahem" All three of us turned around to look at Mr. Miller glaring at us. "If you all are done chit-chatting then please do sit properly. I won't repeat it again." Davis and blue eyes turned their chairs around and sat properly. I still don't know blue eyes' name. The next five minutes passed with me doodling random things, Davis trying to irritate blue eyes, blue eyes just ignoring Davis and staring at the blackboard and occasionally turning to look at me, which I found pretty strange.

"Alright, you all can leave now and please try not to end up in detention." "We will certainly try sir." Davis said while smirking. Mr. Miller just heaves out a sigh and walks out of the room. I put my notebook in my bag and start walking out of the class. "Hey! Wait a second!" I sigh and turn around, "What?" "Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine." He said sarcastically, I just looked at him with the 'what the hell do you want?' look. "Ok ok, just wanted to talk to you about some things related to studies." "And what is that?" I ask while walking through the hallways to the school gates, with both of them following me.

"So this guy right here" he points at blue eyes, "is miserably failing at biology." I look at blue eyes and then at Davis, "And how does that concern me?" "It concerns you as you will be the one tutoring him." I abruptly stop and turn to face him, "WHAT?!" I look over at blue eyes only to see him looking as mortified as me. "What the hell are you talking about?" Blue eyes asked. "So, well, umm, you see I am very concerned about you so I am asking her to help you with your grades. You know? What besties do for each other? Help." "But I never agreed to it!" I shouted. "I mean you would have still said yes right?" Davis looked at me with puppy eyes. Honestly he would have looked adorable only if he had not pulled such a stunt. I looked at blue eyes and he is glaring at Davis.

"Why do you need me to do it?" "Cause you are the only one who spoke back to him!" Davis said matter-of-factly. "When!?" "In the Economics class!" What in the world is this guy talking about? "You did tell him to not call you sweetheart." Oh my god. "So what?!" "Well you seem like the only person not afraid of him besides me." "Well then why aren't you tutoring him then?" "Well I would have but considering the fact I am failing as well, it wouldn't be such a good idea. Also I got myself a tutor unlike him as he scares all of em' away!"

I turn to look at blue eyes only to find him staring at me, "Why aren't you saying anything!?" "What?" "What? WHAT?!" Is he serious right now? "He is asking me to tutor you! Don't you have a problem with that?!" "Nah" Oh my god, I am about to blow my top off! I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "No." "Amazing! So he is free on Wednesdays and, wait what?" "No." "What do you mean by 'no'?" I whip out my phone, open Google and search no.

"No – A word used for giving a negative reply" I give him and blue eyes, who was looking at me with a calculating gaze, a tight smile and turn around to leave.

"Are you sure?" I turn back around only to see blue eyes taken a step forward towards me. "Yes." I tell him firmly and leave. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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