My secret Affair

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Im from a small town called Summit in South Dakota. I was an only child . I was named after my sweet grandmother Claire Rose Richards . Except my name is Claire Marie Richards I received  my mothers middle  name .We didnt grow up with much but my parents managed to raise me and to make sure  I  still had a happy life . So now that im 23 and married im now opening my own art gallery me and mother would paint together all the time she painted beautifully . Her dream was to open an art gallery if only she could see me today she would be so proud my mother passed away when i was 8  from blood diease. She left behind her paints some pictures and ideas  of a gallery she wanted to make one day . Im glad i can say that I pursued her dream and to me thats my mom still living her dream . Well enough about my mom im tearing as we speak.  My phoned rang brinnng briiiinng ! Hello I said " Honey Im sorry I wont make it home for dinner tonight i have a few more hours of paperwork  to do i should be home no later than  12 am . Okay honey I will see you when you get home okay bye . This was something i was starting to get use to all the time Ethan was at the  office till late i spent hours cooking a great meal i fell asleep waiting on him . And not seeing him until the morning when he grabbed coffee heading out the door . It was getting late it was around 2 am when i woke up and seen my husband lying next to me . I couldn't sleep its been almost four months and we havent touched each other i had needs and i was tired of using my vibrator i wanted the real thing  . To feel a mans touch . But my husband assured me hes been tired and is going to plan vacation time soon . But hes been saying that for three months now . Tommrow is my grand opening of the Art Gallery and im  going to get rest for my big day i drifted off to sleep . Beeeeeeeeepppp Beeeeeeeep uhhh my alarm that thing is so annoying i just wanted a few more (.  I got up showered got dressed . And grabbed a cup of coffee and headed down to 34th street to a little shop on the corner there it was in big letters Claire Richards Art Gallery . I walked up to the door which was finished with finw cherry oak wood and nice a shiny with brass victorian style door handle.  I walked in looking aro

und at how soon my mothers dream is becoming a reality.   I closed my eyes took a deep breath and opened my eyes i started  setting up for tonights opening local town people  were going to be there family and friends . The gallery was painted a beautiful lilac color. Which brought out the paintings in the room . 5 oclock is here time for the  Grand Opening i opened the doors and wow i had over 50 people in the gallery 2 paintings  already sold for 3500 dallors . Goodnight so far . As i started to clean up a bit and man walked over and introduced  himself Hi im Gorgio Santana and im a photographer  id love to take some pics of your beautiful art work to send to my sister she loves art . Sure he hands me his business  card . And as i go to put it in my purse i look up agian catching his eyes focused on me they  were deep intense eyes they were a smokey grey color the the clouds of the rain on a gloomy day . He had dark shiny hair that was slick back his skin a almond brown his body was nicely  in shape . And he smelled so good . Well you take care Mrs . Richards and you call me when I can come take a few photos . I had to wipe the drool of my lip infact i bit down on my lip to control  myself . He was handsome  the last time a man looked at me that way was my husband on our wedding day . It was getting late and i grabbed mt stuff headed to my car . All i could do was day dream about Gorgio his eyes his skin his milky white teeth his shiny hair and that incredible  body . I was getting turned on just thinking about what he would and could do to me . I bit my lips just thinking about his hands running up my thighs . I had to pull over . Clear my mind Im married happily  married perfect life . But Mr Santana was just soooo yummy ! As i walked thru the door at home my sweet home all i could think about was Gorgio man was he gorgeous piece of artwork himself . I poured me a glass of red wine and before you know it i had already finished the bottle . I climbed in bed and drifted off again . Woke up to my phone ringing and my husband gone again . Omg it was Gorgio uhh hello Hi !! Claire how are you ? Ohh im fine and you ?? well i could be better i thought.  Would you like to dicuss your art work over a cup of coffee ? Yes !!! Wow was i suddenly excited yes ill be there in 30 mints . This was going to be the quickest shower of my life . Running thru my closet i notice i didnt care to dress my usual i felt a little sexy this time and came across a black mini skirt and a red shirt the color of valentines day but thats to dressy for coffee so i went with a tight nude shirt that pushed my boobs on tight jeans hair in a messy bun and some hoop earrings and my favorite prada perfume . I hurried out the door i pulled up to the door and noticed he was waiting for me wow he looked so delicious hr was in a nice sweater and casual jeans his hair slick back and shining . Hi Gorgio I said he smiled and said lets go have that cup of coffee well as we were sitting there he stared at my chest and smiled and i couldn't help but smile back . So Gorgio what brings you here ?? Well i moved here to start my photography buisness save money and one day move to Italy . Itallly !!! I said why Italy well thats where all of my family is and i came to America to start a life meet a beautiful women and take her home with me . I just sanked inside my stomach dancing with butterflies. Well thats amazing and i think you will do Fabulous here . So claire are you married or seeing anyone ??  Yes im married but its not been so loving lately .. Why not does he not satisfy you Mrs. Claire ?? Does he show you enough attention ?? Gorgio said .. i took a deep breath well hes not the man i met he changed after we got married started caring more about his job .  Well if you were my women i would take care of every inch of that body and you would have my undivided attention and id make sure that when i was done id leaving you like a drooling puppy . Omgggg i almost fainted when he said that. Well you never know Mr . Santana i just might take you up on that offer and id love to be your scene you photgraph as well i smiled he smiled back and leaned over touch my face pushedmy hair back and whispered in my ear . If you only knew Mrs. Claire id leave you craving for more .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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