Chapter 1.

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"Please don't do this Yoongi, there's another way to stop this! Don't do this please...YOONGIIIII"

Friday, April 6, 2021.

*Alarms goes off*

"Fuck, I'm late"

Yoongi rushes out of bed as he noticed the time. He quickly put on his clothes and running out the door trying to make it on time to work. As he rushed to the car he noticed that he forgot to grab his keys. He let's out a sign before going back inside to grab his keys.

He checks his watch only having 10 minutes to spare before making it on time for work. He zooms in, grand the keys and rushed to the car and begin speeding down the road. With only 5 minutes remaining he accelerates a little on the gas to cut off time.

"Almost there, I can make it!"

within the next minute Yoongi manages to make it to work. He makes a sharp turn into the quickest parking lane he could find and dashed into the doors before the set time.

"Barely made it but I'm here"

He walks into the building out of breathe as me motions to clock in.

"Damn man, oversleep again? You know you can barely afford that right now"

"Hey, Joon listen, it's not my fault my body can't wake itself. Besides, a man like me needs sleep. What else is there to do?"

"Listen bro, I'm just saying, you can barely afford it. Just looking out for you my boy"

"I appreciate it man, good looks"

"We on for lunch?" Said Joon.

"Yeah, see you around 12".

As noon approaches, Yoongi begins to clear out his space as lunch awaits. Once his spaces is all cleared up he makes his way to front door as he sees Joon waiting there for him.

"What you in the mood for? I'm thinking sushi. A new place opened up down the street, wanna check it out?" Said Joon.

"Yeah sure, hopefully the foods good, you know how much of a picky eater I can be"

Joon chuckles "Yeah man, I never knew someone ask picky as you are."

"Whatever I like, I like. Food don't be hitting different like it should"

Joon laughs "I hear you"

As the guys are making their way down the street Yoongi notices someone wearing an all black cape. He seemed lost but he payed it no mind as they finally reach the new sushi place.

"You noticed that guy in the all black cape?" Asked Yoongi.

"What black cape? I didn't see nothing of the sort" as Joon quickly scam through the menu.

"You didn't see what I just seen? He was standing there in front of us. He looked lost"

"Mhmm, sure." As Joon continues to scam through the menu not paying Yoongi any mind.

Yoongi shakes his head and grabs a menu deciding what to order. Suddenly he gets a weird chill down his spine. "What the hell was that about?" As he makes a confuse face. "Maybe I'm tripping out today"

The guys begin to order their food and relaxed for about 45 minutes before making it back down the street.

"You got the check this time, I covered last week" as Yoongi hands Joon the bill. For some Odd reason Yoongi can't seem to shake this weird feeling. He began to space out as he tries to piece together what the weird feeling could be. "Why can't I shake this feeling?" Does it have something to do with what I saw? But he was just a strange man with a black cape. I mean, there's a bunch of weirdos out here but why am I feeling weird all of a sudden? It doesn't make sense" Yoongi snaps out of thought as Joon taps him on the shoulder.

"Check cleared, let's head back"

"Wow, you seemed confident in paying. It didn't break you this time?" As yoongi breaks out in laughter.

"Yeah! Nice and affordable. Just my style."

The two make their way down the street heading back to the place of work to finish out the rest of the day. As eight o'clock starts to pull around, Yoongi cleans up his area for the day and begin making his way downstairs to clock out for the night, meeting Joon near the door"

"any plans tonight? there's a open mic session going on downtown. Wanna go?"

"I'm pretty worn out tonight. I'll catch up with you some other time"

"Alright man, take care"

"Same to you"

They dap each other up and part ways. 15 minutes later Yoongi pulls into the drive way. As he steps out the car, he notices the strange man with the black cape he saw earlier. He couldn't do nothing but stare at the man as he stands in the middle of the street in front his small town house.

The strange man with the black cape begin to slowly walk towards Yoongi as he remain frozen in fear. Before Yoongi spoke a word, the strange man stops walking towards him and begin to reach into his back. "Am I about to die here?" as Yoongi thought to himself.

The strange man slowly pulls out an old piece of paper and held it up close while looking back at Yoongi. He begins to shove the paper back into his pocket and began walking towards him again. He shouts "YOU" as he continues to walk towards him. "ME?" Yoongi shouts back, still unable to move. "WE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU, WE NEED YOUR HELP" as the strange man starts to get closer. "MY HELP WITH WHAT? WHO ARE YOU?" Yoongi shouted back.

The strange man finally meets Yoongi at a reasonable range to communicate at a regular tone. "My name is Clyde, I'm from a different earth realm called Solar"

"Earth realm called Solar?" He asked with a confused look.

"Yes, my earth realm. We have been searching for you. I seen you earlier but wasn't quite sure. I had to come and see for myself for a confirmation. You are the one. You have to come with us, sir. You are our only hope" As Clyde plead.

"Only hope for what? I don't know what you're talking about. What is it that you need me to do it? Are you sure you have the right guy?" Yoongi questioned.

"No sir, it is you. You are the only one who can save us. If you don't stop it, not only will we fall, so would your world"

"My world?"

"Yes your world" said Clyde. "If you don't come with us, all is doomed. Lives would be lost. Do you want that?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about or what's going on. Maybe you have the wrong guy" Yoongi manages to move and May his way up the steps.

"Sir!" Clyde shouted "We need you! This is no time to put this off! Our lives are in danger. You are the one, the CHOSEN one!"

Yoongi stops and turns around to look at Clyde with an confused look on his face as he trying to grasp what he's talking about. "I think you have the wrong guy. Please go away and leave me alone. I'm not the chosen one" He begins walking up the steps reaching the door.

"Sir, please!" he begged. "we have to act now. You have to come with me" Yoongi ignores him as he puts his keys into the door. Before he could walk in the door, Clyde strikes Yoongi with his long black stick, leaving him unconscious.

"Sorry sir, you made me do this. I have to bring you back one way or another. We can't afford this lose this fight" Clyde begins to create a portal and carries Yoongi through.

What awaits for Yoongi on the other side?

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