Chapter 40: Fluffy Future

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Opening your eyes, you spot an empty bed. Immediately voices ring out from downstairs.

Getting dressed, you open the window wide and head downstairs. 

Joining your Fox Family. You are greeted with the smell of freshly made breakfast, what kind of breakfast you wonder.
"Morning Papa!" your Daughters greet you.
"Morning Kagami, Akagima. " you sit beside them.
Eggs with Bacon are served as your Wives silently turn around. 
"Good morning, Husband-sama. We made food!" Akagi excitedly says.
"Good morning, Husband-san. We also made coffee!"  Kaga adds.

Looking at the things they made, you feel a happiness rise within you

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Looking at the things they made, you feel a happiness rise within you. One that only a loving, caring, fluff-addicted Husband can feel.
"Thank you very much, you two. And you two, as well." you thank your Wives then Daughters.

"Papa, can we go play in the Pool again?" Akagima asks.
"Sure thing. We'll eat, rest a while then all of us can go play!" you announce. Knowing, the weather will be cool today.

The Food disappears faster then it was made, your Daughters have a grand hunger. Alike your Wives, which have made an excellent coffee. Better than your hands and love can ever make.

Feelings of greatness rise in you. A good thing, you've made your Lovers your Wives. Together you've made a family, a very happy one at that.

"Husband-san, we'll get the Kids for the Pool." Kaga says.
"Sure. I'll check on it." you stand up, walking outside into the neutraly-tempered backyard.

Uncovering the Pool,  you drain the Water once again. Hanging the gardenhose into it, you open the way for fresh Water.
The Pool will fill slowly, perfect for you to change into something fitting.

You pass your Daughters sitting on the Couch. Your Wives prepare something in the Kitchen. 
Upstairs, you quickly throw your sweated clothes onto the ground and take your Bathing Shorts. Bringing the former into the Washing Machine. Now you can head back down.

In the living room, you watch as your Daughters admire the outside with no heat present. Your Wives, made a Tea. But there's a twist.
"It's a Ice Tea." the Fox Wives explain.
"So you'll put it in the Fridge and take it out later?" you ask.
"Yep!" the affirm.
Casually Kaga rests the five large Cups of Tea into the Fridge with help from Akagi.

Swiftly your Wives call your Daughters and head outside. You follow them, hoping the Pool is filled.

It is! 

You turn of the gardenhose and tell the Foxes to go in. Happily they jump in one by one, Daughters first.
"Mama! It's so nice!" Akagima remarks, Akagi analyzes the Water.
"Mama, why aren't you happy?" Kagami asks Kaga.
"I am! Very happy even. I hope the Tea cools fast, it's really needed here." Kaga answers.

Getting in as well, you rest against the edge and enjoy the mini-waves created by your presence. Your Daughters are enjoying them as well, moving together with the small waves.

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