7. We meet again

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for so long, but I needed a break and I was pretty busy. I'll make it up to you whenever I can, I promise!
A week passed and Boromir cannot get his mind off the girl. Every time he tries to focus on anything, his thoughts travel to Y/N. One day, Boromir was walking with Kenji to the grounds. He said goodbye to the Akita and got inside. And then he saw her. Y/N.
There she was, nocking an arrow in her bow and dragging the string all the way to her cheekbone. She aimed for the target and let go of the bowstring. The feather of the arrow grazed her cheek ever so slightly as the arrow flew and embedded itself perfectly in the middle of the smallest circle of the target.
Boromir stood there, dumbfounded. He didn’t know what was more shocking: her skills, or the fact that she was here in the first place.
"Y/N?" He asked.
"Boromir! We meet again." She said.
He smiled at her.
"How's Faramir?" She asked him.
"You know my brother?"
"Yes, we were friends when we were children. Then I had to move to Rohan with my family."
"You moved back here recently, did you?"
"Yes, I did."
"Ah, well, he's fine. Training hard, he is."
"Has Denethor changed his mind about him?"
"Unfortunately, no. He hates him more than before."
Y/N sighed.
"And how's your dog?"
"Kenji? Oh, he's good. He's starting to see this female Irish Setter near the streets pretty often. Probably he took a liking to her."
"You mean Red?"
"Yes, her. You know her too?"
"I feed her every day. She sleeps in my house when it's too cold."
"You should consider keeping her. She suffers on the streets."
"I already am. I just need to find a time when me and my family are less busy so we can take care of a dog."
"Oh. Well, it was quite a surprise to see you here. You do have a way with a bow and arrow."
"Started when I was 16."
"Ah. If you need anyone to train you with a weapon you can't use, you can ask me."
"Sure, thanks, Boromir. I was in need of some sword training."
"Whenever you want to start, tell me."
She nodded.
"Thank you, Boromir. I appreciate it."
Y/N pressed her lips on his cheek. They lingered there for a moment before she pulled away. Boromir blushed slightly.
"Oh, heh, sure, it's-it's no problem, really..." He stuttered.
Y/N chuckled at his behavior.
"We start tomorrow with the sword, if it's all right with you." She said.
"Oh, sure. See you tomorrow." He replied.
"Bye." She said and left.
Boromir just stood there and his fingers lingered on the spot where her lips lay earlier. He smiled.

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