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Previously the last chapter Your mine 

wanted Elijah here instead of me a second ago, and now you want me fuck you" this girl really confuses me sometimes. "Shut up and fuck me, Hope," she said clearly irritated now. "lose the attitude," i said punching her off my lap to the ground. " I'm sorry daddy pls dont be mad," she said with her baby voice, This woman gonna be death of me. " hurry up go to the room time to beat tha pussy up".

I'm saying this one time for people reading this chapter you can inbox me or just comment on one of my stories of a ship you want to see happen. That easy. I dont know why i still have children of the past still in my drafts for but whatever.


Hayley pov- 

"Now do you forgive me?"I asked Hope. Hope been fucking me for hours now I'm just surprised i can talk properly from her throat fucking me for at least 30 minutes. She sits up to sit on the edge of the bed putting back her boxers on. I crawl towards her hugging her from the back.

"Why are you hugging me, Hayley," she said with a cold tone. I looked at her confused why her attitude change.

"I'm hugging you because i want you to come back in the covers with me," I said putting my head on her shoulder. If she dont come in the covers again so she can fuck me again. A woman in heat takes care of yo mama.

"Last time i check you still were my uncle girl," she said. took me a minute to realize that I never broke up with Elijah. That's because i was to focus on Hope and getting to New Orleans to surprise the Mikaelson.

"I break up with him when we get to the compound" I huffed getting up put my clothes on. "you didn't think of that when you were fucking me not that long ago" I rolled my eyes going find my shoes. She is having a lot of mood swings just like Klaus.

" I was thinking about it that's why i gave you so many bruises," she said. I turn back to look at her for a second see she look very sad. I walk up to her grabbing her chin so she can look up at me. "I'm going a break up with him Hope dont worry baby," I said kissing her.

"I shouldn't be worried about that because at the end your mine," she said getting up for her keys. "Let's hurry up to the compound." I nodded my head going out the door to the car.

(I got lazy as so right to when they enter the compound)

Still Hayley pov-

"Ready to do this" Hope asked me. she has been holding my hand for the entire ride. Seems like the mate bond is getting stronger every second we spend more time together. Thinking about it this whole situation is so crazy part of me dont want to be with hope but Elijah.. My wolf dont want me to be with Elijah but Hope.

"Yeah let's do this," I said. We walked into the compound to see all of them arguing like usual maybe about something stupid. Nobody notices us until Hope coughs get their attention, all eyes widen and i see them all start to cry. I just smile and stand at the same place not daring to move. Hope walked to the chair sit down to see what happens. Klaus was the first to come to walk up to me. 

"Welcome back to the living Little wolf," He said wiping his eyes and hugging me to death."It's nice to see the big bad wolf again," I said. He just shakes his head laughing going back to the table. Next was Kol and Davina.

"Welcome back," said Kol. "It's nice to see you made it to New Orleans with Hope Hayley," Davian said hugging me. Everybody head turns to Davina wondering why she said it like she ain't surprised at all. : Why you didn't seem surprised Davina" Kol said raising an eyebrow. "Of course not I knew she been alive for some days and dont ask why i didn't tell nobody," she said looking back at Elijah. "Hayley didn't want nobody to come to find her she just needed to see Hope," she said walking out with Kol. Next Freya and Rebekah.

"We so happy to see you again Hayley!" they both said. Are they seriously crying again? never knew i will see all Mikaelsons shed tears in the same day and time. "I'm so glad to see both of you again' I hugged back. They both pull away from me to step aside and I see that it's Elijah's turn. I look at Hope to see her eyes glowing at me but turn back the original color smiling.

"I missed you so much," He said pulling me into a hug. I dont know why but fell uncomfortable hugging him. The whole time I'm just looking at Hope glowing her eyes at me. I pull back from the hug. "It's something I and Hope need to discuss with all of you". I said

To be continued 

Your Mine (haylope) Book1Where stories live. Discover now