00 ; The time you were an accident..

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"Y'KNOW KID, I PROPOSED TO YOUR MOM IN DISNEYLAND. Also, we very much so wanted you." (L/n) (M/n) sank into the couch cushions, eyes glued to the television while his depressed teenage daughter was crying from low self esteem.

"You probably didn't want me.. I'm no good... I'm useless, Dad." (L/n) Bit-Na tried to stifle her tears, her eyes bloodshot and her mouth drooping into a frown. She sat down on the couch beside her father, hugging a pillow for her own comfort.

"Fine then, I'll tell you about the time we didn't want you." (M/n) placed a hand over his daughter's long black hair, ruffled it up and turning off the the television to have a long talk with his daughter. Bit-Na was brought to tears by his words, now confirming that she was only an accident.

She wasn't needed.

"The time you were an accident, oh boy." (L/n) (M/n) couldn't help but snicker at those fond memories, taking care of a baby while falling in love with Sung Jin-Woo. He smiled, looking at Bit-Na's teary (e/c) eyes. She looked like him and her mother, but that wasn't the only reason they adored her to death.

"Let me tell you how horrible we were when Jin-Woo got pregnant."

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