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They reached Joon's office....

Joon got out of his car while Jin was still confused what to do.

Joon opened the door and lend his hand out for Jin.

Jin was scared. He gulped hard and placed his hand above Joon's. Joon pushed him up from the car.

The moment Jin's foot was out of the car he was carried like before.

"P.... Put m..me d..down!!!"

"I won't drop you promise!!"

"Others will see us"

"Let them"

Jin was confused. He even doubted if he was dreaming. They entered the building. All eyes were on him.

His heart was thumping fast. His ears turned red because every one was looking at him.

Hearing his raced heart beat Joon smiled. Somehow his heart was also beating fast but not as fast as Jin's.

He reached his office which was very big. Joon placed him on one of the couch and went to the other side which had cupboards.

Jin saw him taking a duvet. He came near Jin and made him lie on the bed and tucked him inside the duvet....

"Take rest".
Joon said placing a kiss on his forehead...

Jin stared at him. He was smiling but why.... He saw him working on his laptop taking quick glances at Jin every second.

'Was he acting?? Why did he kiss me? I can't believe him because on the first day he was nice then he made me his punch bag. Also what if he is doing all this just to make me shut!!!'

A hundred thoughts were on his mind.....

He slowly closed his eyes feeling tired...

Minutes later,a person came inside Joon's office with a smile but it faded away seeing Jin.

It was him Jimin.

He saw how Joon was looking at Jin lovingly..

He gritted his teeth.

He dashed out and bumped into a person of somewhat his height.
They fall to the ground. Jimin was on the floor with the other on top of him.



"How are you??"

"I'm not well"
Jimin says pouting to his bestfriend from school. They were the school badboys. But years later they lost contact of each other.

Thinking of something Jimin smirked.....

At KIM mansion.....

Both Jin and Joon reached their house. Jin got out of the car as fast he could to avoid Joon.

While getting out of the car,Joon didn't see Jin. He went in and saw his parents questioning Jin.

He ran towards Jin and hugged Jin from the back.

"He is alright Appa, he is just a lil weak,no need of worries".
Joon answered his Appa when he asked Jin how was he.

"Come,you should rest."

Joon carried him against his disapproval. Jin was more than embarrassed and also angry.

On reaching the room,he wiggled out of Joon's grip.

DOOMED BY HIS LOVE .                      {NAMJIN}Where stories live. Discover now