The Heat Continued Into The Morning (NSFW)

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Scaramouche x Fem!Secretary!Reader

[Smut/Fluff/Morning Wood/Big succ/You get degraded by Scaramouche/Breakfast in bed owo]

God fucking damnnit here's the blowjob chapter

WARNING: Sexual content! +18 readers please or I will make you lose the 50/50!!

I just had a very strange dream... that was weird...

Scaramouche woke up with a pillow in his arms and felt his face contort into a displeased look at the realization. Obviously uninterested in the cushion, he tossed it to the other end of the futon and began to search for another person. Not just any random person, but his very precious, and darling secretary-assistant.

Whom he slept with last night.

And made out with.

"Good morning, my Lord." You called out from outside the tent when you noticed out of the corner of your eye that he was awake.

"Oh... there you are..." Scaramouche answered back in a raw voice, slouching into his own pillow, almost sulking. "I thought you ran off somewhere without my knowledge..."

"No, I was just trying to find a way to light this campfire so I can make breakfast."

"Hm..." Scaramouche shuffled uncomfortably, his hand ducking between his legs and then pulling away just as quickly. He was obviously restless, something was making him squirm on the spot.

You separated from the cooking pot and made your way back into the tent, disappointed, "The firewood is still wet from last night's storm... If only I had a Pyro Delusion, this would be so much easier, my Lord..."

When the Harbinger felt something stiff against his shorts, his first thought was what do I have in my pocket? Only when he remembered that he had nothing, the nightmarish thought hit him.

You pouted and sat down at the edge of the mattress in defeat, "I don't think I'm going to be able to make food... How unfortunate..."

As your words went through one ear and out the other, the young man focused on the unusual shape standing up against the covers. Scaramouche blinked slowly, raised his blanket to look at himself, and then immediately threw the covers back on his body out of surprise. "Oh... oh no..."

"Would you like to wait until the firepit dries up or should we go find a travelling merchant?" You prompted and then glanced at him when he didn't respond right away. "Sir?"

"What...?!" He shouted all of a sudden.

"I asked if you want my food or if we should eat out."

"Yes... ah... Just... um, wait..." Scaramouche fumbled with his words, trying to turn your attention away from his most indecent state.

"Actually, I believe we should try to find a merchant. I know how hungry my Lord gets when he wakes up in the morning...!" You took the opportunity to make a few harmless jokes. "Come on, sir, I'm starving too... I'll eat anything."

"I, uh... Just wait for my command..." He was now bunching up the blanket over his lap, shifting his eyes around the tent to avoid yours. "Give me a second to... recollect myself..."

You noticed his awkward nature and began to make your way towards him, wondering if he suddenly caught a cold because of the weather, "My Lord, your face is turning really red... are you feeling alright?"

"Don't come... any closer..." Scaramouche muttered a threatening order but sighed deeply when you continued to crawl your way over to him.

As you situated yourself almost in between his legs, you leaned over to innocently place your hand against his flushed forehead. It seemed like you didn't notice how dark blue eyes glanced at the buttons, zippers, and clips on your uniform, so willing to get underneath. Still, you remained oblivious to Scaramouche's quickened breathing and slow shifting of his legs.

Scaramouche x Reader [Oneshot Book] Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now