Back To The Void

365 17 4


They sat up, there was a big crater around them from their fall.

And above them, was ANOTHER Loki,
except it was 'Infinity War' Loki.

Sylvie quickly stood up, and placed the tip of her sword to his neck.
"Guys get back! It could be him!"

But the other Loki stood still,
"If you're going to kill me- so be it,
It seems as if we don't die"

Loki walked over to him,
scanning his features.
"You're from the future...
Didn't you...WE die? "
He asked, curious.

The other Loki smirked,
"You think I'd be stupid enough to use a dagger to kill that mad titan?"

" I cast an illusion of myself, and when Heimdall opened the Bifrost I jumped in, but missed my destination...and I ended up here"
He explained.

Loki looked shocked.
"So we aren't dead!?"

"NO of coarse NOT!"
He laughed.

Then Mobius was struck with the reality that he doesn't know which is his favorite Loki now!

Sylvie lowered her sword, and the other Loki took a step forewards.

"I assume you're after...the OTHER Loki that just passed through here?"
He asked.

Mobius stood up straighter,
"You saw him?"

"He was dragging an unconscious mortal, to tell you the truth...that man has no chance at survival"
Future Loki said.

Sylvie glanced behind them, as if expecting to be attacked,
"I have a proposal..."

"Oh, DO tell!" Loki said, sarcastically.

She shot him a glance, then continued. "We need to team up in order to stop him..   Loki? Can we trust that you won't betray us?"

Both Lokis' looked at her and said in synchronization, "Trust my rage"

Mobius laughed, and Renslayer ignored them, as she hung in the back of the group.


"Ok" Sylvie stopped to lean on an broken power line, "we're almost there....the opening is straight ahead!"

Mobius paused to take a break with the group.
They had been walking for 2 hours and it seemed like they weren't going anywhere!

Loki sat, bent over, on a big rock and rested his face in his hands.
"What if he's not even there?...I mean----you guys saw him make the whole place dissapear!?"

Sylvie sat down beside him and rested her hand on his shoulder
"If he's not there...then we continue the search...we HAVE to stop him at ANY cost! -And in the end, we'd still have each other."

Loki looked up, and they both smiled and held eye contact, untill Mobius accidentally snickered, and Loki shot him a glare.

"Sorry sOrRy...but...just- look at her eyes!

Loki stood up, and Future Loki just smirked at the scene.

Sylvie interrupted their heated wisper-yelling, by pushing them apart from each other.

She looked past them and soon everyone followed her gaze.
"He's there..."

Loki stood beside her,
"What if it's just another illusion?"

She grabbed his hand, reassuringly.
And this time...Future Loki was the one to snicker.

"Then we continue the search"
She said

                King Loki and Casey

Casey screamed and thrashed around as King Loki dragged him through a big silver door.

"You are going....AND YOU HAVE NO SAY AGAINST IT!"
King Loki said, irritatedly.

And so, Casey was forced to sit at a big dinner table.

King Loki growled, changing his cool tone. "If you die...I lose ALL my information about the people that are chacing after me!"

Casey looked at him,
"That's all you need me for?"

King Loki mentally facepalmed.

Casey sat straighter in his chair,
"OkAy oKaY jEeSh!"
And he took a bite of a weird green jello-like substance.

King Loki smirked,
And Casey didn't notice.

"Now tell do you feel?"

"Like I hate this place---terrible decorations---I'm thirsty--probably could use a nap---I miss my cat----got a lot of work to catch up on----Why do Loki's look so handsome?----who's thor?--what's a fish----why won't you let me go?---also why-"

Loki didn't mean to tell as loud as he did....

But that meant only one thing,

And now, he had ALL the information about Loki and Sylvie he could ever possibly wish for!

Tell me what you guys think about this story! I'd love to hear from you! ❤😄

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