Chapter 9

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

“I’m glad you’re not mad at me anymore baby,” Chad said. 

Chad and I were standing at my locker. It was time for English and I knew I’d have some explaining to do after class. I had forgiven Chad for being insensitive about the whole second sex tape thing. But I also had forgiven Jake for coming on too strong. I decided to not press charges and he was returning to school today. I didn’t know what made me want to give crazy Jake the benefit of the doubt but I felt like he was sincere in his apology about what happened in my room. 

“I hate fighting with you,” I said.

Chad pecked my lips and took my hand. We began walking to class and I braced myself for what was about to happen. 

When we walked in the classroom we took our usual seats. Chad sat in front of me like he always did. I was hoping Jake wouldn’t make Chad move to the front row again.

“I can’t believe that psycho is back,” Bridget and Mackenzie said taking their seats beside me. 

“Hey Chad look Mr. Preston has returned,” Troy and Ben said. 

Chad focused his attention to the front of the room and saw Jake. I could tell Chad was getting mad all over again.

“Why is that rapist here!” Chad shouted.

Students were talking and still socializing because the bell hadn’t rung so I was glad that Chad’s outburst didn’t cause too much attention. 

“Chad please don’t make a scene,” I begged. 

Chad turned around and looked at me as if searching for answers. 

“Did you know he was coming back?” Chad asked. 

“Yeah,” I said quietly. 

All of our friends were now watching Chad and I talk. I knew what was coming but I was willing to take it because I didn’t want Jake to lose his job over a mistake. Even after everything that’s happened I still had somewhat a soft spot for the kind hearted Jake. 

“So you signed off on some guy who tried to rape you coming back and teaching class?” Chad asked looking for clarity. 

“Yes Chad but its not that simple,” I said.

“Then explain it to me,” Chad said. 

“I can’t.” 


“Chad can we just talk about this after class.” 

“No we’re talking about it now Alyssa.” 

Before I could even try to explain myself the bell rung and everyone took their seats. Chad was still staring at me waiting for me to explain. 

“Mr. Weston would you like to face the front please,” Mr. Preston said. 

Chad rolled his eyes but didn’t turn around. 

“Chad just turn around. You can’t get in trouble,” I said. 

“Alyssa why? Why would you let him get away with it?” Chad asked. 


“Ok I see you both want to just talk an ignore that this is a classroom. Mr. Weston come sit in the front row indefinitely,” Mr. Preston said. 

“No,” Chad said. Chad still looked at me as he talked to Jake. 

“Excuse me but Mr. Weston you need to move up to the front row,” Mr. Preston said. 

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)Where stories live. Discover now