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Name: Hugh Michael Jackman AC (Does not stand for air conditioning)
Age:  52 
Height: 6'3
Sign: Libra

Hugh, an Australian actor, is more than just looks and balls. Being one of the kindest people in Hollywood and charity owner, he brightens the lives of many. Known for movies such as the X-men series and an untitled sex tape, he's ready to dig his claws into your heart.

We have put together a series of questions for Hugh. Shall we begin? Of course, we shall!

Q1: Who inspires you the most?
H: Oh that's got to be an easy one. You see, since I was a 15-year-old boy, I've always looked up to Whitney Huston. She was even my first celebrity crush! I would listen to this song called 'I will always love you', a terrific song, I recommend it to everyone, and I made myself believe that the last part of the line was "I will always love Hugh". Brilliant.

Q2: Simp. Why did you decide to come to dilf island?
H: Well honestly... wait a minute what's a simp? Anyways, I didn't decide to go here myself. I was dragged by my friend Ryan. Ryan Reynolds, you know him? What am I saying of course you do. I wanna meet some new people that I can recommend stuff to. It's hard being an influencer on Instagram because you get blocked. People in real life don't block you from saying  "I recommend you get therapy". I mean come on, I was being honest!

Q3: Okay, how would you describe yourself in 3 words?
H: How would I-
Q: Weird choice but pop off I guess.
H: No, that wasn't-

Q4: Next question. What do you look for in that special someone?
H: Rude. Well, let me think. I want someone who is caring, who offers to helps others, and who isn't selfish. 

Q5: Big boobs or small boobs?
H: Well that's an awful question. Personally, I don't think we should judge a woman by her breasts-
Q: Alright small boobs.
H: No I didn't say that-
Q: So, big boobs?
H: I didn't say any boobs.
Q: Okay big boobs it is.

Q6: Last question. What would you do if you won the WWD title?
H: Use it for good.
Q: Stupid. Alright, that's all, go sit in the lobby now:
H: Excuse me?
Q: You are excused.

And that was the interview with Hugh Jackman. Does he twist your nips? He sure twisted my gears. Stay tuned for more.

To be continued on dilf island.....interview with George Clooney

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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