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Deimos: what if i did the coom thing lmao

Sanford: good idea

Big tiddy kielbasa and the other dumbass did the coom and it was hot asf 😳😳😳

Few sussy mimute later

Hank: *walks in* lmao cum

Deimos: papi baka got big kielbasa in my ass😩😩😈😈😈

(I was laughing way too much while writing this pls help)

Hank: dayumn🥶🥶😳

Sanford(with his big-ass mommy milkers😩😩😩): stfu hank u dont deserve coom energy, go back to being blue balled by 2B

Hank(and his balls):

deimos and sanford put hank in a jar coomed 103 more times in the jar because fuck hank🖕

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deimos and sanford put hank in a jar coomed 103 more times in the jar because fuck hank🖕

deimos  and sanford seggs????1! sanmos1!!11!!1!???;?;?!1?😳😳😳😳😳Where stories live. Discover now