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A/N lemon in next chapter!

James POV
I showed Adam my room he looked around
And went to lay on the bed and watch tv.i put a random show on it was a comidic one every time it made a joke we almost died of laughter

Adam's POV

It was time to sleep now
James let me sleep with me to prove he forgave me.I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

James POV

Adam seemed to have fallen asleep fast

he's kind of cute
He cuddled me in his sleep
I hugged him back

In the morning-

I wake up to see Adam still clutching onto me he was half awake he looked at me with a lusty look he pulled me closer to his face.I felt hot inside.
He pulled me closer until we kissed! A-ADAM?!

A/N now things get real! 150 words :3

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