chapter 9 - fallout

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A/n: this chapter will contain a scene of sexual harassment/assault

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A/n: this chapter will contain a scene of sexual harassment/assault. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, you can skip this chapter altogether. If you want to skip JUST the descriptions of what happened, then skip to the "***".


Carter's arm forcefully pins my body against the wall, leaving me with almost no mobility. His lips turn upwards to form an evil grin that makes me want to shrink.

"Hello, Talia," Carter whispers into my ear, sending disgusting hot air down my neck. My heart thumps loudly in my chest and genuine fear snakes around my mind. I feel trapped and helpless.

"Y-you're," I stammer, finding it difficult to breathe with Carter's arm pressing against my lungs. This only makes his smile grow. "You're hurting me, Carter."

"So? Don't you think you deserve that?"

My breath catches in my throat and I feel my eyes rimming with tears. No matter how hard I try not to cry, a single drop slides down my burning cheek. Why is he doing this? I desperately ask myself. Maybe I should be asking him that question instead. If only I could form the words.

Carter lifts his head back and laughs. Never in my life have I heard a sound that makes me want to retract into my body as much as his laugh just did. When we dated, that sound would have made me smile or laugh as well; but now, all I feel is scared. Suddenly, his mood dangerously changes.

"Don't cry, Lia," Carter states violently, spreading his breath across my face. "You have been ignoring me for too long now and it's starting to piss me off."

After saying this, he forces his knee against my leg to further pin me on the wall, displaying just how much power he holds. He wants me to know that I'm weak and helpless, and honestly, I'm starting to believe it myself.

I close my eyes and bite my quivering lip to try and regain control of my emotions. I feel myself growing weaker, which is exactly what he wants.

"Stop, Carter. Please," I beg, something I never thought I would have to do.

He rolls his eyes at this. "You need to understand that we are meant to be together. I've had enough of your bullshit," he asserts.

Why is he doing this to me? I repeat in my head, desperately searching for a real answer.

"Oh come on, Talia," Carter says, aggressively wiping away another tear that escapes from my eye. "Don't be a bitch, now. You know I can't resist you."

As I struggle to move, Carter leans down and attacks my neck with his lips. Unlike the sparkling sensation that I once felt when we dated, all I feel is a burning, stinging, and suffering assault on my body.

"Help!" I try to shout. Instead, my voice releases as a whimper since his arm has been pressing against my lungs for too long of a time. Carter's left hand slams onto my mouth to stifle my cries even further.

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