Remnant Burns! Part 2

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I'm not sure if gender bending is something I should do. Since I'm no damn Expert. Also I got hooked into writing this Story.

So I need to Explain. Essentially this story is a whole new Brand of a story from me. You see, you are not Dealing with Your Average Reaction Fanfic anymore. It has ascended to a level you can't fathom.....

Meaning: it's gonna be Reactions solely on Jaune's Past life Adventures. Because as I explained this boy died and Came back as A rebirth more times than I can count. So I'm bringing every one to see his Adventures. Some discrepancies in the realms will occur.

Meaning when the universe that have its viewers genderbent...will their Original genders meaning the author fucked up.

Also I own nothing but my OC's and The Story.

So Let's begin.

Dread was Seen conversing with Ebon.

Dread: so essentially, you know when there are Opps around it's best get to Boxing!

Ebon: Or call the boys and get the opps Jumped!

Then a Portal was Opened. From bunch of People Came. Dragon And Helix who had blood on his knuckles.

Helix: Sorry I'm late. Had a few Troublemakers....

Dread: the Beelzebub idiots?

Helix: Yes. Well except Young Furuichi And Oga's Family.

Dread: Did you bring the Records Of Ragnarok?

Helix: I did. Brunhilde and the Valkyries were especially Excited to see Jaune. Well Adam And His Family as well as Kojiro sasaki.

Dread: Good.

Ebon: Wait a second... how did you bring them here? And How do they know my Great grandson?

Dread: Jaune in One Of His many Rebirths Went To The world of The Records Of Ragnarok. He was reborn as Himself but he had Kratos abilities along with his was Weird. Aura shouldn't be Carried with every rebirth, not unless his will and soul power is so strong it affects other Universes or Worlds.

Ebon: Stubbornness does run in the Family. And his not something that's easily Broken.

Helix: I think the reason that he still has aura is because the Soul belongs to Jaune who is from Remnant. Not from Earth. Remnant who people have Aura unlocked. His aura was Unlocked so it must have remained with his soul even when he reborn.

Dread: I see. What about Teyvat?

Helix: They are here too, But Zhongli And Childe are....well a She.

Ebon: The Fuck?!

Helix: so I'm asking.....Dread, what did you do?

Dread: Did you just make an Assumption? You know they Can Ban your Ass from Twitter For Assuming! Also I didn't do shit. It could be due to the fact Jaune was there. The Timeline must've been fucked up knowing his E-Rank luck.

Ebon and Helix: Seems legit.

Dread: Time to call them in.(they must never know I fucked up...)

15 minutes later with Full explanation later~.....

Those who arrived and Cared about Jaune were angry and Upset.

Those that didn't like him were happy.

Dread: Gods....why are you so STUPID!!! Except some who do Care.....Aphrodite, Thor, Hercules....etc. (A/n: Since there are two Adams. Adam Taurus will be Referred as Taurus or T-Dam. And the Father Of Humanity is Called Adam.

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