Firewhiskey meets Hermione Granger

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"I can't believe you guys didn't invite me!" She yelled at these idiots. "Why in Godrics name would you leave me out of the fun?"

"Well Mione we thought as headgirl, that you would report us and give us all detentions."

"Ronald why on earth would I do that. Besides Draco is headboy and he's here."

"Well Malfoy doesn't have a stick up his arse."

"Oh and I Do!? You complete arse Ronald Weasley." Hermione is done with Ron. She can be fun. She can let up and have a good time. 'I'm going to show him just how good a time I can have'

She walks over to where everyone's sitting in a circle, talking and drinking.

"What are you guys up to?" Everyone looked up at her scared, and mumbling about how she wasn't invited and that she was just going to be a prude.

"For Heavens sakes. Why won't anyone let me have some fun. I just wanted to let my hair down for once but no everyone is choosing not to trust me. Sure good ole Hermione Granger is our friend when we need help with homework but no she can't come to our parties. Don't think I haven't noticed my lack of invitations over the past 8 years." She let out a long exhale with a hurt expression on her face.

"I for one think Granger would be a delightful addition to this little party."

"Thank you Parkinson"

With that she took a seat in the empty space they cleared for her.

"Sooo. What are we doing."

"Just talking and drinking" Neville said with a little smile. Glad that he's being included.

"Lame. We should play a game."

Draco snorted. "Hermione Granger knows drinking games?" He said with an unbelieving tone.

"Of course I do. Muggle or Magical? Muggle games are more fun and lead to more secrets."

"Muggles do know how to party. Hey Draco do you remember that summer in America. Man that was like a never ending high"

"Shut it, Theo." Draco was aggravated. He didn't need Theo having all of his dirty laundry in front of the girl he's trying to impress. Especially when she's just a little like a prude.

Oh was he in for a surprise.

"Alright so I've decided we will play Never Have I Ever. I'm assuming most of you don't know the rules so I'll explain. So, someone starts the game by saying something they have never done. Everyone in the circle has to either drink if they have done it and they do not have to drink if they haven't done it. Then we just go around clockwise. Does everyone understand?"

A chorus of yes's and mhm's were heard.

"I'll go first. So the nargles stay away from our game. Never have I ever had sex with a Weasley."

Harry drank.
Hermione drank.
Lavender drank.
Dean drank.
Draco drank.

Ron started coughing and choking. "MALFOY you did what? Ginny would you like to explain?"


"I never said who it was, Weaslebee." Draco said with a smirk and cocky expression.

"But, she's my only sister." Ron was very confused. He scratched his head and took a sip of his drink.

"I'm bi. Weasel. Don't assume things." Ron started choking on his drink again.

"Which one? WHICH BROTHER?"

"That's for me to know, and you to try to figure out."

"Okay. Reel it in idiots. Back to the game. Seamus you're next."

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