Are you ok? (Slight TW⚠️)

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I was scrolling threw Tik Tok and got an idea please dont judge.

Everyone is talking when Steve truns to you.
"Hey how old are you?"

"Its 2021 right?"

"Yeah" Tony looking confused.

You pull out a calculator and calculate your age.

Sam looks at you in confusion.
"Did you really just calculate your age?"

"Well I didn't think I'd make it this far!"

Everyone looks at you with concern. When Peter walks up to you and hugs you.
"Are you ok?"

You pause and think, 'Normally when someone asks me if  I'm ok the real answer is I'm doing shitty but I cant say I'm doing shitty because I dont even have a good reason to be doing shitty'

Wanda is reading your mind and her facial expression changes from confused and conserned to shock and worry as she puts a hand over her mouth wide eyed.

'So when I say I'm doing shitty people ask why whats wrong and I say I don't know everything so when someone asks me if  I'm ok I normally say'
"I am doing so great"
"thank you for asking peter"

Wanda runs over to you and hugs you. You knew she read your mind when she whispered "I'm sorry" into your ear so nobody would here her but you.

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