Chapter 4

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Noah: I'm at work and my mom calls me downstairs. I don't know why or what was happening because there was this girl there.

Amy: Hey Noah sorry for waking you up but I just needed to talk to you...

Noah: about?

Amy: this is Daisy. She's going to be your girlfriend

Noah: please tell me this is a joke

Amy: noah! No it's not a joke.

Noah: your kidding me.

Amy: no noah be nice *leaves the room to noah and Daisy chat*

Daisy: *touches him arm* hey babe

Noah: *pulls his arm away* ew don't touch me and don't call me babe.

Daisy: but your my boyfriend now i
can do whatever i want

Noah: no you can't. *goes upstairs*

*a week later dixie and noah have to work together*

Daisy and Noah: *goes to Dixie's office and knocks*

Dixie: hey noah! Oh uh who's this?

Daisy: hi I'm Daisy, Noah's girlfriend

Dixie: oh *shocked, mad, and sad* I'm come in.

Noah: dix i-

Dixie: let's just work

Noah: please dixie i-


Noah: ok.. Sorry

Daisy: are you ok?

Dixie: I'm fine *says kind of mad*

*they work*

Daisy: um I need to use the bathroom where is it?

Dixie: down the hall to your right

Daisy: thanks

*Daisy goes to the bathroom*

Noah: dix can we talk about it

Dixie: *doesn't look up*

Noah: DIX!

Dixie: there's nothing to talk about! *tears in her eyes*

Noah: dixie I didn't choose to be with her

Dixie: I don't care...

Daisy: noah are you done?

Noah: yea I will just get copies of this.

Daisy: okay I'll go with you

Dixie: *looks at them leave. Then gets her song book from the safe and starts singing.*

♫ she probably gives you butterflies, I hope your happy but not like how you were with me, I'm selfish I know, I can't let you go. So find someone  great but don't find someone better. I hope your happy I wish you all the best really. Say you love her baby, just not how you love me and think of me fondly when your hands around her I hope your happy but don't be happier.... ♫

Noah: *hears it all* um dix I'm leaving

Dixie: *hides her book* oh uh yea.

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