Sent by Sea

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The wall was rusty, dirty and had a revolting smell . I really wasn't sure how I would survive 250 days of this (around 8 months) . I started wondering what hell really looked like because I would not be surprised if it was this. With our rationed food, unreasonably harsh punishments for minor felonies there wasn't a doubt that this place was a nightmare . I sat thinking with my knees up to my chest and my head against the wall . Was that one loaf of bread that put hunger for that day to an end for my family, really worth all this? The mice that came scurrying past had me realize they must be having a better time than me and the rest of the convicts.

I got up ready to go to the dining hall for dinner at 1pm. My stomach grumbling all the way, a hand resting upon it as if comforting that it would soon be . . . well it would never be full even half was something to hope for. I turned round as the handcuffs clinked on painfully, tighter than usual . I gritted my teeth without letting any soldier see otherwise it would have been a certain death for me . As a mob of convicts fled into the dining area waiting eagerly for food, we were held up by a public execution for a man who had talked back to a highly respected soldier. The fear the eyes of his family held was tragic just to see . His wife hugging their daughter and sobbing quietly . His neck hung on a looped rope, his hands tied behind his back . The soldier made extremely rude mocking comments before pulling the lever which in turn opened the ground under him. Anger, sadness and sorrow filled the room quietly but evidently as we were all forced to watch the poor man hang by his neck and a rope .

I was completely famished by the time all the commotion had cleared up . I walked solemnly into the room, head down pitying those in the same boat as me - here for petty reasons. No, but quite literally they were in the same boat as me . In the corner of the dining area, the wood chopping supplies were kept. Long cylindrical pieces of wood which terminated in a sharp blade . We would be using these tools to carve, cut and mold pieces of wood into supplies for the soldiers . I ate my stale bread quickly and quietly trying desperately to ignore the loud chatter that encompassed me .

I looked out the window ecstatic to see land nearby where we would be stopping.. I longed desperately to get out of the ship and feel the fresh air for once . Yes although we were here for hard tiring labor, it still was nice to get out for a change . Maybe if I survive these next months, I can start a family in Australia and cease life as a convict . Have a new start to life with a real purpose, yes it's decided that is what I will do . " Hey you!" called out a soldier "Enough diddle dawdle get working you little scumbag ."  

-Sent by Sea - ONESHOT-Where stories live. Discover now