Basically: ━(◯Δ◯∥)━ン ƪ('▿▿▿▿'ƪ)

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I stared blankly at the Shikigami before me. Reason was abandoned as war raged in my head. Emotions swirled like a whirlpool inside my chest. Disbelief. Incredulity. Strands of skepticism that still remained despite the proof sitting before me. Awe that a literal God was before me. At my kitchen table. Emotions all draining down to a cavern of questions.

I shook my head, hands gripping at the roots of my hair.

"So let me get this straight. You want me," my index finger pointed at my face full of disbelief, "a girl with social anxiety and asthma, to stop a war from happening in your world... because you're too lazy to do all the paperwork?! How does that even.. w-why-"

A shiver ran down my spine as his voice seemed to hold the ocean with how it echoed. "From what I was told, you have yet to break a promise, human. I am not certain whether you are aware how big a deal that is. Figuratively and literally. "

I shook my head again, stands of chocolate brown hair hiding my face. I pressed the palms of my hands into my eyes until I saw patches of color.

'How did this even happen!?'

-EaRliEr tHaT dAy-

It had been a drizzly Sunday morning when I found a demon making coffee in my kitchen.

Panic clawed at my throat as fear sunk its talons in my body. Air rushed through my lungs as I struggled not to hyperventilate. I desperately grasped at anything to keep me grounded. The corner only a slight comfort as I pushed myself into the shadows in an effort to get away from that- that-

'Stay calm..! I must stay calm... If I can get to a that pot maybe I could-'

"Ah. I see you're awake." Sharp golden pupils set on black sclera gazed at me unblinking. The white of the kimono contrasting the blue skin only convinced me further I was going to die. "Now, do try to keep a level head while I explain my impromptu visit."

Air seemed to thicken as I breathed and I choked as my body's trembling became more noticeable. A sigh drew my attention, my eyes immediately drawn to the sharp teeth revealed as the being grinned. I gulped. He dropped his grin immediately. A giant clawed hand raised to rub on the sharp jawline as he chuckled. "I forgot how mortals react to my presence over here. I suppose it would only be polite to change into something less .."

With a wave of his hand, the alarmingly white kimono was switched for a-

Pink bathrobe?

A nervous giggle escaped my lips before I could stop it and I cringed into myself in horror. The humanoid being simply walked to my kitchen table and took a seat, focusing on its drink. Moments pass as I watched the demon ('yokai?') do nothing but gaze out the window and drink from one of my favorite mugs.

Two sharp red horns protruded from the strands of white hair. The fuzzy robe wore loosely around its frame revealed a gaunt body. Now that I was calming down, I realized the dark expression on its face was actually only because there seemed to be permanent frown. 

A demon with a resting bitch face. How fitting.

'For that matter, where are his eyebrows??'

I gaped, unable to process the fact that a DEMON was in my kitchen. In my kitchen. Drinking c o f f e e.

A shiver ran down my spine as his voice seemed to hold the ocean with how it echoed. Despite this, I could not figure out if the being before me was male or female. Perhaps it just didn't have a gender?

"So.. you may be wondering why a Shikigami has decided to stop by."

I nodded slowly, still unable to process.


"You look like you want to ask something."

"I'm- I'm sorry. Is this a prank?"

He chuckled.

"I made a bet with the reaper of this world and we may or may not have gotten drunk.."

"Ok... what does that have to do with me?" (The unsettling feeling had not left and I was desperately pushing down the urge to hyperventilate)

"Ah.. well, you see.."

He spun around, empty sockets seemingly staring into my soul and I could not help but take a tiny step back. He ignored this, gesturing widely, mouth opening in what I could only assume was a makeshift smile.

"You're going to be reincarnated!"

The silence after his grand declaration was frighteningly loud. I could feel the horror setting in.

"What?" I whispered

I should have definitely run when I had the chance.

The grim reaper nodded. "Yes. You have three days to prepare."

"P-prepare!?!? I don't even know where I'm going! And I can't quit my job without 2 weeks notice..."

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Idk what i'm doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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