What You Need

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Notes: So I've been rewatching right and wow the first episodes all through episode 4 were tough on Joonhwi and we really see only Sol A sticking by his side and literally saving him then on episode 5 we finally see him smile again and thus the birth of Solhwi huhu.

Here are scenes I imagine could have happened in Episode 5.


Han Joonhwi knew what was happening. In truth, it should scare him a little.

"Come with me," he said, his response to the peace sign and the cutest scrunch of nose Kang Sol had flashed him after declaring how she was going to win this. How she had gotten ground on the Bad FaMa case and knew how to defend it as a public interest concern.

Her specialty, as he had teasingly reminded her, not without truth.

"Why? No. Where? I'm busy." The cheerful triumph on her face warped into concentration, the intense kind Joonhwi was familiar with. "There's still a lot of work to do."

"Precisely. Too much work." Joonhwi frowned. "You need a break."

They had been locked up for hours in the copy room with the rest of the study group and had only just dispersed. While everyone else had left for their dorms, Kang Sol was showing no signs nor plans of peeling herself away from her chair and her workload.

"What I need to do is finish everything," she declared, eyes fixed on her laptop as her fingers danced on the keys.

Joonhwi sighed. He walked up the few steps to stand behind her and leaned over, holding down her typing hand.

He felt her stiffen at his sudden touch. Felt his heartbeats skip and thud.

His head bowed closer, nearly cheek to cheek with her as he'd dared do only once before.

"Even Kang Sol's passionate heart needs a break," he said, close to her ear.

There was a second's pause while the hammering in his chest grew louder, then he felt her relax.

Sol swatted him away, pushing past him as she stood and collected her things.

"Fine. Where to? Are you feeding me? Suddenly I'm hungry."

He grinned. "I've been hearing your stomach grumble from across the table all through the study session."

"Lies." Sol crossed her arms at him, pausing near the door. "Did you really?"

Was she embarrassed? Did it bother her?

No, he knew, as Sol just glared at him and led the way out the copy room. Because she was Kang Sol and things like that didn't bother her, not when she had goals to achieve and things to prove. Because this Kang Sol wasn't affected by him at all.

He had a lot of work to do.

"Good if you heard it then," Sol said as they walked down the halls, Joonhwi falling in step beside her. "Every time you do, you must feed me."


"Ya, Han Joonhwi." Her fist knocked against his shoulder. "What's the catch? Am I losing access to your notes in exchange of free meals?"

Joonhwi's face crunched into a silent, exaggerated OUCH that of course she ignored.

"You take the most comprehensive notes out of anyone in our year," he pointed out. "The way Bokgi follows you around for copies."

"Maybe Bokgi just thinks of me as cute noona." Sol cupped her face with her palms in a rare show of aegyo. "You don't know."

"Cute, where?"

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