Chapter 22 Bali

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*/; Sana di mo nalang ako inibig pa Kung bibitaw karin pala sa huli.🎶


Third person pov..

It's 7:00 p.m. the old man was on the balcony as he gazed at the beautiful view he's drinking coffee to relieve drowsiness,..while he was enjoying the beautiful view when he heard his phone suddenly ring he took a last sip on his coffee before he answered it.

"Hello, how are you bro." The man in the another line said then the old man chuckled..

"I've been well, how about you?" He asked then he heard a soft Laughed in the other line.

"I've been doing great, it's been a while.." He said then he laughed..

"It sure has been, so why did you call? what can I do for you?" He said then took a sip in his coffee..

"Somi told me that your kids are going to Bali for spring break, as well do you mind if she tags along on your jet?" Somi's dad said then Mr Kim just sighed..

"It doesn't make sense to bring out mine, you know since they're all going to the same destinations." He added Mr Kim he took a deep breath..

"I don't see a problem at all.." Mr Kim said then Somi's Dad nod excited..

"Thanks, bro we should play golf sometimes like old times!.." He said Mr Kim giggled and nod

"Definitely!.."Mr Kim said.."Talk to you soon" Somi's Dad said then Mr Kim hung he up the call.

I'm another hand..

One week later.

lisa was packing her things she was excited because she wanted to see and be with Jennie after all they also missed each other when she finished packing she immediately went to the bathroom she do her night routine.

After 15 minutes.

.She already done fixing herself she went downstairs while dragging her luggage, soon she went downstairs she saw her Aunty, Uncle and her siblings..

"We are going to miss you." Her aunt said then Lisa just giggled

"I'm going to miss you Aunt, Uncle..but this vacation is well needed school has drained me completely" Lisa said that made them chuckled..

"You deserve it kiddo." Her uncle said while laughing

"What time does your flight leave?" Her Aunt asked while her arms cross then Lisa she about to answer it but Seulgi cut her off

"3:00 am Aunt.." Seulgi said while she facepalm..then they'll Aunt and Uncle they widened they're eyes..

"Bless your heart guys.." The man said..then they nod

"Jeongyeon is going to make sure that I woke up on time you guys you will call me if the baby is born while we're gone right. " the thai girl said with a smile on her face

"Of course" they said in unison then they heard a car horn outside..

"That's my ride.." Lisa said then the two couple's nod "Come on hug us!" Her Aunt said that made Lisa immediately hug them..

"Bye Auntie and Uncle,.. guys see you in the airport bro " Lisa said she went to their house and her siblings nod and wave they're hands..

Fast forward..

Lisa's pov.

When we arrived at Jeongyeon's hous, I saw another car outside in garage but I just ignore it.. I immediately got out of the car and the driver took my luggage and put it inside Jeongyeon's house.

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